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Eyes in the Sewers


14/6 10:00
14/6 16:00

A task undertaken for Harold Handerhaen, owner of Tomes and Tonics in the City of Youk, capital of Youk Kingdom.

Kkakkar went to Tomes and Tonics to purchase a spellbook and found that their stock had been stolen. With the promise of coin and a free spellbook from the owner, Harold Handerhaen , Kkakkar gathered his companions and brought them to Tomes and Tonics to begin their investigation. Tracks led them to a sewer entrance. At Harold's suggestion, the group went to see the Sewermaster, Lendin, at his office. Lendin gave them a map, mentioned some of his crew had complained that they felt as though they were being watched recently, and sent two of his crew members to take them to the sewers. The crew members left them with a lantern and an opening device, asking them to return them to the Sewermaster's office when they're finished.   Entering the sewers, Kkakkar found a set of tracks that closely resembled those that had led them to the sewers. Following this trail and checking the map frequently, the group moved through the filth. At one point the group came across a trio of dog-sized rats, but succeeded in scaring them off with effective use of spellcraft. However, seemingly drawn by the noise of their magically-amplified shouts, a group of 3 Shadows. They surrounded the group, but were defeated before a single member was touched by the soul-damaging attacks of the Shadows.   Continuing to follow the tracks left behind by the thieves, the group found many similar footprints leading in all direction. With guidance from Zyck Kriinae Augury and Kkakkar's Investigative skills, they discovered a hidden entrance, seemingly built by someone other than the builders of the sewer system. With a quick magical probing by Imp and Kkakkar they discovered a glyph protecting a trapdoor down a short tunnel. Kkakkar Kkarnasu approached the glyph and disarmed it with the silver dagger the group had taken from Lord Gaen's manor. The trap disarmed, the group moved quietly up the ladder and into the room.   Within this room, they found a creature slowly and meticulously bending and folding silver objects into the shape of letters. Another creature came down from a second floor and saw the group. The two creatures turned to them, the single large eye that encompasses the upper half of their head staring menacingly, the triangular pupils twisting slightly in their sockets.   The group fought and killed 3 of these creatures and discovered that they were in a small two story home. The guards were called. As the guards rushed towards the building to secure it and begin an investigation, Kkakkar and Alto went up the stairs and found a Westrin woman bound to a chair and desk with the 3 stolen spellbooks and a strange obsidian bottle. Imp and Zyck spoke to the guards and convinced them to let them complete their mission and return the spellbooks to Harold Handerhaen at Tomes and Tonics. The guard captain, a half-Raharin Elf, sent two of her men as an escort. Once the escort had dropped them off there, the woman that the group had found spoke with Kkakkar, thanking them for rescuing her.  She told him her name is Quori and that is they were ever in Lamm, they should speak to Ressa Gilren, her mistress.   Harold happily paid them for retrieving the spellbooks and gifted one of the spellbooks to Kkakkar. Upon further inspection, this spellbook had two spells written in it, seemingly by the strange 1 eyed creatures. One is a 3rd level abjuration spell and the other is a 9th level necromancy spell. The bottle has some magic runes around its opening. Zyck invoked identifying magics and determined it was a Bottle of Shadows, capable of trapping and releasing Shadows that are controlled by whoever released them.

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