Arcane Protectors

The Arcane Protectors were founded by Elrodan Hawk , otherwise known as "The Hawk". They are a guild of roughly 500 wizards who are tasked with upholding Solaris' magically restrictive laws. They are also tasked with peace keeping and serve as a means of defence against invaders.

The Arcane Protectors wear white hoods and white masks except for a large blue cross that goes across the chest, and another across the mask. Their disguise is meant to preserve anonymity, as the existence of the arcane protectors proves to be a controversial topic in Solaris. Whenever a crime is committed, magical or not, the Arcane Protectors are always quick to respond. It is well known that they possess some kind of magic detection ability within the City of Solaris, which serves well as a deterrent for most magical crime.

The Arcane Protectors split up their duties across the five districts of the city. They are extremely quick to act and are known to be capable of teleportation.

Guild, Mages
Parent Organization


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