Cendriane City of Fallen Stars

The once resplendent city of Cendriane, heralded as the Summer Court's most exquisite jewel, has succumbed to a fate as dark as the night sky it mirrors. Now known as the City of Fallen Stars, Cendriane's radiant avenues and vibrant halls have fallen into ruin, a testament to the growing influence of The Queen of Darkness. Commanding the Gloaming Court from the depths of the feydark, she has seized the city, turning it into a bastion of power.  

The Cult of The Star Children

The Cult of The Star Children, once a mere whisper in the shadows, has burgeoned under The Queen of Darkness's malevolent guidance. Drawn to Cendriane's arcane potency, they believe the desecrated city is the key to enacting their ultimate ritual: a gateway for the eldritch beings of The Far Realm to invade this dimension.  

A Realm of Ruins and Shadows

Cendriane's transformation is complete, its beauty choked by the creeping Onyx Woods and the eternal gloom of a summer night turned nightmare. The ruins teem with monstrous arachnids, sentinels of the dark new order, and The Star Children, who tread with silent purpose among the vestiges of splendor. The city's labyrinthine vaults and crypts remain sealed, their magical defenses unbreached, hinting at arcane secrets and forbidden knowledge lingering within.  

The Great Library's Hidden Darkness

Whispers of Cendriane's Great Library stir the imaginations of scholars and adventurers alike. Unplundered and shrouded in enchantment, it is rumored to hold the key to untold arcane and divine breakthroughs. Yet, unknown to most, the Great Library guards a malignant secret: the Book of Vile Darkness, an artifact of such malevolence that its discovery could unravel the very fabric of The Feywild.  

The Onyx Woods

Enveloping Cendriane in its thorny embrace, the Onyx Woods stand as a barrier between the fallen city and those who would seek to uncover its enigmas. It is within this twisted forest, under a sky bereft of stars, that The Queen of Darkness plots her insidious schemes, ever-expanding her dominion over the once-luminous heart of the Summer Court.


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