Grand Tournament

The Grand Tournament is a large magic oriented tournament in which those who qualify in the top 6 obtain a seat at the Solaris High Council , and also granted the rank and prestige that comes with being part of The Mageguard . Though a Grand Tournament is not a regular occurrence, when one takes place it is known to draw in insanely large crowds. Combined with the relatively steep admission price of 10 gold per day, the Grand Tournament always boosts Solaris' economy significantly.

The tournament itself typically lasts multiple days. It first consists of qualifying rounds, followed by challenge rounds, and finally the remaining candidates participate in tournament style 1v1 exhibition matches. The qualifying and challenge rounds are always different, making it notoriously difficult to prepare for in advance. Additionally, only those of elvish lineage may enter. An entry fee of 25gold must be paid when registering.

While clerics and paladins of The Order of the Gauntlet are present, the event is still very dangerous and only the most powerful of mages are encouraged to enter.

The Grand Tournament is held in a magically created venue known as the Grand Coliseum. The Mageguard along with the Archmage summon this mysterious building in a secret ceremony. It floats above the Eldalonde for the duration of the tournament.
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