

Kheraak is a vast and ancient city that lies deep within the Middledark, a region of the Underdark. It is inhabited by the duergar, a race of dark dwarves who have fallen under the sway of dark gods. Kheraak is a city of treachery and corruption, where the pursuit of power and wealth has led the duergar down a dark and dangerous path.  


Kheraak was founded by a powerful duergar clan known as the Ironfists. The Ironfists were renowned for their mastery of metalworking, and they used their skills to build a vast underground city that became a center of commerce and industry in the Middledark. However, over time, the Ironfists fell under the influence of dark gods, who whispered promises of power and wealth in their ears. The Ironfists became corrupt and ruthless, warring against other races in the Underdark and enslaving them to work in their mines and forges.  

The Duergar

The duergar who live in Kheraak have been twisted by the corrupting influence of dark gods. They are cruel and ruthless, and view other races as little more than tools to be used for their own purposes. The duergar are skilled in metalworking, and the weapons, armor, and tools produced in Kheraak are highly prized throughout the Underdark. However, the duergar are also known for their cruelty, and many other races in the Underdark fear and despise them.  

City of Steel

Kheraak is a city of steel and stone, with vast forges and smelters that belch smoke and flame into the air. The city is built in a circular pattern around a massive underground lake, which is fed by underground rivers and provides water for the city's inhabitants. The walls and buildings of Kheraak are made of dark stone, and the streets are lined with forges and workshops. The city is illuminated by the flickering light of torches and the glow of molten metal, giving it a sinister and foreboding appearance.  


There are whispers that the Ironfist clan has discovered powerful magical artifacts buried deep within the city, and that they guard these treasures fiercely. There are also rumors that a powerful cult of dark gods has taken root in Kheraak, and that they seek to bring about the destruction of the other races in the Underdark.  


Kheraak is a perilous place for non-duergar, as the dark dwarves view them as little more than tools to be used for their own purposes. Outsiders who venture into the city risk being enslaved and forced to work in the city's forges and mines. The duergar are known for their cruelty and lack of compassion, and they will not hesitate to use violence to get what they want. In addition, Kheraak is filled with dangerous creatures that the duergar have enslaved and trained to serve as guards and watchdogs. Travelers to Kheraak must be constantly vigilant and prepared to defend themselves against these threats, or risk being trapped forever in the city's dark and oppressive atmosphere.
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