Madame Dubois

A very obese woman wearing a red velvet dress, with long curly locks of hair and perceptive eyes. Madame Dubois is the owner of Chez Madame, the worlds most famous courtesan establishment. Madame D famously invented and marketed the art of burlesque. Her very successful business led her to start buying out cheap and shady taverns in Mead Boulevard. She eventually made enough money to fully buy out most of Mead Boulevard. Madame Dubois effectively owns most of the entertainment venues in Norbury.


This naturally led to her being appointed as one of five leaders of The Merchants Guild.


Madame Dubois is known to be cut throat in business. She looks out for her own self interest but also cares deeply about "her girls". Out of all the leaders of Norbury, she may be simultaneously the most feared and respected.  


After Guillermo's death and Steven de Bolbec's dissapearance, Madame took over ownership of Guillermo's gambling house, which was renamed Madame's Gambling house. This further increased her power and status in Norbury. While Leon Beaumont is officially the town's leader, Madame Dubois clearly has the resources to run things, if she so wished.


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