Ridgefell Distribution Center

Replacing the old Townhall is the Ridgefell Distribution Center. Amidst the booming demand for Raw Blue Crystals that are required to power Sorus Airships , Trixie Mountgnomery decided to get organized and to put the gnomes of Ridgefell to work.

Hundreds of gnomes are tasked with hauling carts of crystals off of the Irondeep shipments that arrive via airship regularly. The crystals are then taken into the distribution center and organized by size in the Appraisal Room using an assortment of sieves. A scholar then examines each crystal and gives the crystal a power score according to both size and raw magical potential. The organized crystals are then put on a conveyor belt system that continuously circulates the crystals in the Packaging Room. There, gnomes collect crystals of different sizes and power scores to create a bundle with total power score of 100. These bundles are packaged in linen pouches, stamped with The Gnomish Allied Forces symbol (New Irondeep flag) and then sent off to the Administration Room. There, Forest Gnomes review the Sorus Airships request logs and organize shipments by priority. Deliveries are then sent out via giant badger/pony delivery or Airship (though more rare, due to the lack of Airships incoming to Ridgefell).
Ministry / City hall
Parent Location


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