
Summary and history

Ridgefell is a large Gnomish town that is a located at the base of the Irondeep Mountain Range. The town is mostly populated with Forest Gnomes but there are a number of Rock Gnomes living here as well, even more so after the liberation of Irondeep. For as long as anyone can remember, Ridgefell has been the largest Gnomish settlement aside from Irondeep. Some myths say that Ridgefells location is due to the fact that the Forest Gnomes have missed their mountain dwelling brothers and wished to be closer to them.  

The Land

Ridgefell is located at the base of a mountain and is also amidst a dense forest. The town gets its water supply from wells and easily lives off the rich soil. There are ample animals and natural resources to support this remote village.  

The People

The people of Ridgefell are mostly Forest Gnomes or Rock Gnomes who left Irondeep after its liberation. It is the second most populated Gnomish settlement and houses a variety of small folk such as farmers, miners, hunters, gatherers and a small amount of merchants. A large portion of the town works in mines.

Some humans and a small number of halflings also live here.    

The Leadership

Ridgefell's leadership has seen it's share of change over the years. A council consisting of 3 elected officials has traditionally made government decisions. The most recent council consisted of Brenna Morrock, Bitti Oldor, and Calamdor Asorle. However a few years ago, a thieves guild known as The Golden Gnomes took hold of the town, with its leader Lokas Felvor running Ridgefell from the shadows. This was possible due to Lokas' control over Calamdor and Bitti. Calamdor was easily corrupted with bribes and Bitti feared The Golden Gnomes and therefore obeyed Lokas. Brenna openly opposed the guild, and sought help from Irondeep's royal army, which almost got her killed.

Luckily, The Order of the Keepers intervened with the help of Trixie Mountgnomery and Irondeep's army of 500. The The Golden Gnomes members that survived the raid were jailed, Lokas was imprisoned (later killed in prison), the council disbanded and Trixie Mountgnomery became the town's new leader.  

Law & Defence

The town's guard used to protect the town and uphold the laws of the council. However, due to the fact that many of the guards were corrupted by the influence of The Golden Gnomes, many were jailed after The Golden Gnomes were disbanded. The Gnomish Allied Forces have since taken up defense of the town, with around 1000 soldiers occupying the Ridgefell Cathedral as headquarters.

The town itself does not possess much fortifications beside tree cover and two small outposts at the entrance of town.

Recently, the road leading to Ridgefell has been lined with pikes holding severed goblin heads, as a means of intimidation against the swarms of monster that prowl the North.  


Notable criminals that have plagued Ridgefell in the past include Lokas Felvor and his thieves guild The Golden Gnomes.

There have been no notable criminal activity since the disbandment of The Golden Gnomes.    


Ridgefell is the most accessible of gnomish settlements. For this reason humans and sometimes halflings can be found trading her. Norbury and Myrefall especially have established trade routes with Ridgefell for some of the ore that is mined the Irondeep Mountain Range. Otherwise, Ridgefell does not conduct much trading beside simple goods.   A small market near the town center sells fresh produce. There are also a few shops/establishments such as Rock Solid Goods, the Golden Crossbow, Vorbar's Bazaar, and The Sleeping Rock Tavern.    

Post Golden Gnome era

Ever since the town was freed from the reign of The Golden Gnomes, it has found renewed energy. The Rock Gnomes have been hard at work and carts full of ore can be seen being shuttled in and out of town at nearly any time. The townhall was transformed into the Ridgefell Distribution Center in order to support Sorus Airships and the increasing demand for Raw Blue Crystals . The Gnomish Allied Forces are continuously training gnomes to reinforce their ranks.  
This town was barely alive when Lokas was here. Now, they're doing what they're good at! Rock gnomes mine things and fight, forest gnomes keep us safe from the trees and for some reason are also really good at paperwork.
-Orpip Gord, local legend


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