Ringlor Noroth


Ringlor Noroth, also known as the City of Soaring Shadows, is the largest settlement of cloakers in the Upperdark. The city is ruled by a council of twelve cloaker lords known as the Shadow Conclave who take directions from a mysterious entity from The Shadowfell known as the "Emissary". The cloakers of Rringlor Noroth ascribe to a rigid caste system.  


Ringlor Noroth was founded when its twelve cloaker lords brought its population of cloakers together over ten thousand years ago. If dwarven legends of its ancient history are to be believed, the city has not changed at all in that time.  


This cloaker city is built into a vast cavern complex in the Upperdark, with tunnels and passages leading in and out of the city. The layout of the city is a maze of twisting, turning tunnels and chambers, with many of the spaces hewn directly from the surrounding rock.   The city is centered around a large open space known as the Shadowcourt, which is where the Shadow Conclave meets to discuss matters of governance. Surrounding the Shadowcourt are various structures, including the Cloaker's Nest, which is where the majority of the cloaker population resides.   Other notable areas include the Shadowspan, a massive Bridge that spans a chasm and connects the city to other parts of the Underdark, and the Shadowgardens, a network of caverns and tunnels filled with bioluminescent fungi and other strange flora. The city's architecture is mostly functional and utilitarian, with little in the way of decoration or embellishment, reflecting the cloakers' focus on practicality over aesthetics.

Caste System

The cloakers of Rringlor Noroth ascribe to a rigid caste system, with each individual's role predetermined at birth. At the top are the ruling council of twelve cloaker lords known as the Shadow Conclave, who take direction from the mysterious "Emissary" from the Shadowfell.   Below them are the "servitors", who are responsible for the city's daily operations such as hunting, defense, and construction. The lowest caste is made up of the "lethargarians", who are considered the lowest of the low and perform menial tasks such as waste disposal. The caste system is strictly enforced, and inter-caste relationships are heavily discouraged.
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