City of Kragstone


Kragstone is a city-state built by deep gnomes who left their homes in the Middledark to flee from the phaerimm, plant like abberations. Unfortunately, the city was destroyed and abandoned long ago when the phaerimm found Kragstone, causing the deaths of around 38,000 deep gnomes. Despite this, the deep gnomes later returned to reclaim their land, and currently occupy the ruined city.  

The City

Kragstone is built into the stone of a large cavern and the only entrance is protected by a large iron gate. Intruders must make their way through a winding maze of tunnels to find the imposing iron gate. Once inside, one can expect to find a stern population untrusting of outsiders, for the deep gnomes fear the spies of the phaerimm. The city itself is comprised of piles of rubble and ancient stone ruins of a once great civilization. Many of the stone buildings are used in a makeshift manner, with many tents and temporary accomodation littering the city. A thick layer of dark green moss covers the majority of Kragstone which serves as both a food source and as a strong material used to make clothing and weapons.   The city has a marketplace, taverns, and religious buildings, including The Trader's Grotto, The Foaming Mug, and The Ruby in the Rough, which is a temple to Shar.  


The current leader of Kragstone is Grendal Rockseeker, a stern and pragmatic Deep Gnome. Grendal is known for his fierce determination to protect his people and rebuild their city. He is a skilled warrior and strategist, having led successful defenses against the monstrous threat of the phaerimm. Despite his gruff exterior, Grendal is deeply compassionate towards his people and will do whatever it takes to ensure their survival. He is highly respected among the deep gnomes of Kragstone, who look to him for guidance and protection in their uncertain and dangerous world.  

Ogremoch's Bane

The deep gnomes prepare themselves for the potential return of the phaerimm by mass producing Ogremoch's Bane, a magical mist that drives summoned earth elementals into a frenzy, causing destruction to anything around them. Each Deep Gnome carries a bottle of Ogremoch's Bane with them, and most know how to summon earth elementals.
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