The Shadowfell


The Shadowfell is a dark, dreary mirror of The Material Plane, characterized by its oppressive atmosphere and pervasive gloom. Unlike The Feywild, which enchants with its whimsy and brightness, the Shadowfell drains the vitality and hope from its inhabitants. The air is thick with despair, food is bland and unappetizing, and the wind carries a bone-chilling coldness. It is a place where light struggles to penetrate the darkness, and life exists in a state of constant vigilance, always wary of the malevolent forces lurking in the shadows. Despite this, some find hope and comfort in the moonlight that sometimes breaks the cover of darkness.  

Inhabitants, Factions and Places of Interest

Life in the Shadowfell is scarce and often hidden. The denizens of this plane are either corrupted creatures that thrive in its darkness or the ones that hide from the monsters in the dark.  
  • Umbral Fangs: This huge clan of werewolves roams the cursed forests of the Shadowfell, though most of them reside in the Umbral Forest. They are fierce, primal hunters who worship Selune, the goddess of the moon, and believe in her promise of redemption and purification. The Umbral Fangs seek to balance their cursed nature with acts of valor and redemption, often finding themselves at odds with other dark forces, but especially with the Obsidian Enclave.
  • The Obsidian Enclave: A massive palace inhabited by vampires, the Enclave is a stronghold of darkness and power. These vampires worship Shar, the goddess of darkness and loss, and their palace is a center of intrigue and manipulation. The Obsidian Enclave revels in darkness and loss, using their power to dominate and control, viewing the Shadowfell as their rightful domain.
  • Anton de Sade's Show: A traveling circus of horrors and marvels, this group entertains and terrifies in equal measure. They are neutral in the grand scheme, preferring to watch and profit from the chaos around them. Their performances attract a mix of curious onlookers and those seeking dark thrills.
  • Nebresk: Nebresk is a forsaken town in the heart of the Shadowfell, shrouded in perpetual twilight and thick fog. It's reputation attracts thieves, assassins, and other nefarious individuals. At its center stands the mysterious Tower of Shadow, a place from which none return. The town thrives on a black market economy, with trades in rare artifacts, forbidden tomes, and alchemical wonders. Power struggles and cryptic alliances define life in Nebresk, making it a haven for those who embrace darkness and chaos. The Crimson Covenant, vampire hunters, are a notably powerful clan, currently rivaled only by the Duskwatch, a band of mean spirited thugs.
  • Gravenford: A small town that worship Shar, Myrkul and Bhaal. Necromancers, cultists and other deranged folk all make up the usual populace. Skeletak bartenders, insane patrons and putrid corpses are all things you'd expect to see in their local tavern, for example.
  • Shadar-Kai: Loyal followers of the Raven Queen, these elven beings are bound to her service. They are masters of shadow and stealth, often serving as her emissaries. The Shadar-Kai have three goals: restore their patron's memories, keep her alive by witnessing tragedies, and kill Lolth, the Raven Queen's mortal enemy. Though there are some that have betrayed the Raven Queen, refusing to do her bidding after countless deaths. They are called the Hollow, and live in seclusion.
  • Revenants: Revenants are creatures born out from the soul of a mortal who met a cruel and undeserving fate. It claws its way back into the world to seek revenge against the one who wronged it. A revenant has only one year to exact revenge. When its adversary dies, or if the revenant fails to kill its adversary before its time runs out, it crumbles to dust and its spirit fades into the afterlife. There are two types of revenants in the Shadowfell; those that worship Malar, God of the Hunt, succombing to their thirst for revenge, but there are also those that choose to renounce revenge and choose penance instead. These revenants worship Myrkul, the Reaper, and await their death in the town of Grimhawk.
  • Shriekers: Rumored to be the inhabitants who were corrupted by The Raven Queen's scream when she failed her ritual to ascend to godhood. These tormented beings roam the Shadowfell, their wails echoing through the desolate landscape.

The Raven Queen and the Shadar-Kai

Once an Elf, the Raven Queen sought to alter reality and prevent the birth of Lolth. Her ritual, the REDACTED, required the sacrifice of thousands of elves, but she was stopped by a time wizard from the Fraternity of Orders who killed her and trapped her divine essence with the Chronomancer's Codex. Her scream of frustration and failure corrupted many inhabitants of the Shadowfell, creating the Shriekers. The Raven Queen, now a broken deity, still commands the loyalty of the Shadar-Kai, who serve her with unwavering devotion.  

The Gem of Light

In contrast to the Gem of Darkness in the Feywild, the Shadowfell harbors the Gem of Light, an artifact of immense power that offsets the pervasive darkness. Without it, the Shadowfell would collapse into pure darkness. Legends speak of the Gem of Light being hidden in a place of absolute darkness, guarded by ancient wards and powerful entities. Some believe it to be in the deepest reaches of the Tower of Shadow, while others claim it lies in the heart of the Umbral Fangs' territory.  

Worship of Selune and Shar

The twin goddesses, Selune and Shar, have worshippers in the Shadowfell who mirror their eternal conflict. The Umbral Fangs and other good aligned humans worship Selune, seeking light within the darkness. The vampires of the Obsidian Enclave and other nefarious beings worship Shar, reveling in loss and darkness. They perform dark rituals and sacrifices to gain her favor and power.    

Domains of Dread

Within the Shadowfell lie the infamous Domains of Dread, isolated realms ruled by Darklords, each a prisoner of their own twisted desires and sins. These domains are pockets of terror and despair, reflecting the darkest aspects of their rulers' souls.  
  • Barovia: Ruled by the vampire Count Strahd von Zarovich, this domain is a land of perpetual twilight, haunted forests, and ancient curses. Strahd's insatiable thirst for power and his tragic love story define the realm, trapping both him and its inhabitants in an endless cycle of torment.
  • Ravenloft: The centerpiece of Barovia, Castle Ravenloft, is a looming fortress filled with dark secrets and horrors. It serves as Strahd's seat of power and a symbol of his eternal dominion.
  • Darkon: Governed by the lich Azalin Rex, Darkon is a land where the dead walk, and necromancy is rampant. Azalin's relentless pursuit of forbidden knowledge and his curse of undeath create a bleak and terrifying landscape.
  • Falkovnia: A domain of perpetual war and tyranny, ruled by the brutal Vlad Drakov. Falkovnia is a place of constant bloodshed, where the inhabitants live in fear of Drakov's iron fist and the never-ending cycle of invasion and destruction.
  • Lamordia: A domain of bleak, icy landscapes and mad science, ruled by the reclusive Dr. Victor Mordenheim. His obsessive quest to revive his lost love at any cost has led to horrific experiments and unnatural creations.
  The primary means of entering and leaving the Domains of Dread are through the Mistways, supernatural mists that can transport travelers to and from these cursed lands. The mists are unpredictable and can appear anywhere in the Shadowfell, but are most often found in Dread Forest.   Once inside a Domain of Dread, leaving can be extremely difficult. The Darklords have some control over who can enter and leave their domain. Often, these domains trap their inhabitants, making escape a near-impossible feat without special means or the Darklord's demise.
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