The Golden Gnomes

The Golden Gnomes were a thieves guild based in Ridgefell led by Lokas Felvor before being disbanded in Zarantyr 853AC.


Lokas Felvor was the only leader of the Golden Gnomes. He had sole control over the organization.


Lokas was quite charismatic but mostly led via fear mongering and intimidation. You would never know if you'd be getting a dagger in the back or an unhealthy dose of poison in your drink, and so you did your utmost to keep Lokas happy.

Public Agenda

To line their pockets, the Golden Gnomes claim 100% of anything made of Gold.
Hey! You'd better be paying for that horse in Silver!
-Golden Gnome member to a young boy buying his first full sized pony


Lokas had amassed a large amount of gold and treasure before being put in prison. Most of the money went back to the town but a good portion of the funds were given to The Order of the Keepers as a reward.


The Golden Gnomes were disbanded in Zarantyr 853AC when The Gnomish Allied Forces raided the hideout and captured Lokas.
Guild, Thieves
Notable Members
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