University of Irondeep

The University of Irondeep aims to nurture the gnomes innate curiosity and inventiveness. In order to do this, several classes are offered for free. While children are encouraged to complete their studies, dropouts can come back at any point (even when their elderly). If this wasn't offered, hardly anyone would graduate. Typically when a Gnome has an idea, they obsess over it and fully explore it until they get over the distraction and return to studying.

Some of the classes offered include: welding, cog wheel manufacturing, mushroom synthesis, arcane study, World history, Irondeep history and various advanced courses.

The University has many classrooms, a library, mushroom cafeteria, courtyard, workshops, and private faculties.

Gnomish Gadgets for Sale

Once gnomes obtain a patent from the Irondeep Royal Palace , they are invited to work on their projects at the University. Fireproof rooms are used as workshops for the inventors. Any successful invention is put up for sale in the University Courtyard, almost market style.
Look at the 100 Gnomish Inventions PDF


The previous headmaster was Rowan Lestrin who left for Norbury . He is rumored to be working as a scholar at Morgrave University .

The current headmaster is Abraxas .
University / Educational complex
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Articles under University of Irondeep


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