Irondeep Royal Palace

The Royal Palace serves many functions. First and foremost, it is the residence of all Irondeep royalty, as well as the base of operations for the King of Irondeep (currently King Arthur Mountgnomery ).

Secondly, the Royal Palace lobby is where inventors and tinkerers must obtain permits and patents for their inventions. Working on an invention without a permit/patent is illegal in Irondeep, due to previous incidents (explosions) that have endangered the lives of many. Once a permit/patent is obtained, tinkerers can head over to the University of Irondeep to use a fireproof workshop. This process was implemented by the University's new Headmaster, Abraxas .

With King Arthur's reign, the Royal Palace is now a friendlier and more open place. A soup kitchen for some of Irondeep's poor and vulnerable was set up right outside of the throne room, and anyone is welcome to cue up to talk to the King between noon and 5pm.

You can also find Irondeep Tours office in the main lobby.


The Royal Palace is made of heavily fortified stone and is also the base of operations for the 1000 soldiers from The Gnomish Allied Forces that reside in Irondeep.
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