
Arcadia thrives with orchards of perfectly lined trees, ruler-straight streams, orderly fields, perfect roads, and cities laid out in geometrically pleasing shapes. The mountains are unblemished by erosion. Everything on Arcadia works toward the common good and a flawless form of existence. Here, purity is eternal, and nothing intrudes on harmony.   Night and day are determined by an orb that floats above Arcadia’s highest peak. Half of the orb radiates sunlight and brings about the day; the other half sheds moonlight and brings on the starry night. The orb rotates evenly without fail, spreading day and night across the entire plane.   The weather in Arcadia is governed by four allied demigods called the Storm Kings: the Cloud King, the Wind Queen, the Lightning King, and the Rain Queen. Each one lives in a castle surrounded by the type of weather that king or queen controls. Pisces also lives here in tower on top of the highest peak.   Hidden below Arcadia’s beautiful mountains are numerous dwarven kingdoms that have withstood the passage of millennia. Dwarves born on this plane have the celestial type and are always brave and kind-hearted, but otherwise they look and behave like normal dwarves.   Planar Vitality-
While on this plane, creatures can’t be frightened or poisoned, and they are immune to disease and poison. (Source: DMG D&D)   Arcadia connected to Seven Heavens, Mechanus, and Sigil by portals made of either white ivory or black steel, shaped like flower trellises. These portals were few in number but rested at fixed locations.   Inhabitants-
Many woodland creatures roamed the mountains, hills, forests, and fields of Arcadia. They resembled Prime Material creatures except for their colouring, which was metallic like the trees, and their eyes, which were white without iris or pupil. Examples included copper coloured rabbits, golden foxes, and sheep with silver wool. Organized, hive-dwelling insects such as ants, bees, and wasps were also found in this plane. None of the animals could speak but all were peaceful in nature and native to the Outer Planes so they were unaffected by magics that usually worked on Prime Material creatures. In addition, their eyes allowed them to see through any illusion and the more intelligent animals could be trained into superb watch beasts.   The primary inhabitants of Arcadia were the spirit legions formed from the souls of good and lawful warriors, much like their evil counterparts in Acheron. Other sentient creatures that dwelled in Arcadia included hollyphants, planetars, foo creatures and the occasional deva. It was not uncommon to see creatures from neighbouring planes visiting: shedu, greater and lesser lammasu, and ki-rin for example. (
Alternative Name(s)
The Peaceable Kingdoms
Dimensional plane
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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