
Limbo is a plane of pure chaos, a roiling soup of impermanent matter and energy. Stone melts into water that freezes into metal, then turns into diamond that burns up into smoke that becomes snow, and on and on in an endless, unpredictable process of change. Fragments of more ordinary landscapes — bits of forest, meadow, ruined castles, and even burbling streams — drift through the disorder. The whole plane is a nightmarish riot. Limbo has no gravity, so creatures visiting the plane float in place. A creature can move up to its walking speed in any direction by merely thinking of the desired direction of travel.   Limbo conforms to the will of the creatures inhabiting it. Very disciplined and powerful minds can create whole islands of their own invention within the plane, sometimes maintaining those places for years. A simpleminded creature such as a fish, though, might have less than a minute before the pocket of water surrounding it freezes, vanishes, or turns to glass. The slaadi live here and swim amid this chaos, creating nothing, whereas githzerai monks build entire monasteries with their minds.   Power of the Mind-
As an action, a creature on Limbo can make an Intelligence check to mentally move an object on the plane that it can see within 30 feet of it. The DC depends on the object’s size: DC 5 for Tiny, DC 10 for Small, DC 15 for Medium, DC 20 for Large, and DC 25 for Huge or larger. On a successful check, the creature moves the object 5 feet plus 1 foot for every point by which it beat the DC.   A creature can also use an action to make an Intelligence check to alter a nonmagical object that isn’t being worn or carried. The same rules for distance apply, and the DC is based on the object’s size: DC 10 for Tiny, DC 15 for Small, DC 20 for Medium, and DC 25 for Large or larger. On a success, the creature changes the object into another non-living form of the same size, such as turning a boulder into a ball of fire.   Finally, a creature can use an action to make an Intelligence check to stabilize a spherical area centred on the creature. The DC depends on the radius of the sphere. The base DC is 5 for a 10-foot-radius sphere; each additional 10 feet added to the radius increases the DC by 5. On a successful check, the creature prevents the area from being altered by the plane for 24 hours, or until the creature uses this ability again. (Source: DMG D&D)   Gith and Slaad-
The Slaad were likely natives of Limbo and the Githzerai were immigrants (or refugees, if you ask the Githyanki) and the first layer was named for them. This layer was strategically important because of its connections to Ysgard, Sigil, Pandemonium, and the Astral plane. (   made her own island to look after the souls that worshiped her and a place to call home.
Alternative Name(s)
The Ever-changing Chaos
Dimensional plane
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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