Peoples of Chadun

Peoples listed below with names have a single cultural identity; others, like “humans” and “river dwarves,” are a recognizable race/ethnicity but are found across different communities/polities.


Maveren – (mostly) mixed sea elf and human
Humans — some from the western side of Chadun and the islands, but an increasing number from Findere, the southern continent.
Dwarves – almost all from the Forges

The Forges (above ground)

Fedun – Mixed hill dwarf and human. The live on the eastern edge of the Forges, and along the coast.
Kammayun – Mountain elves
Humans – there aren’t very many of them in the Forges, mostly in the western mountains. In some areas the Valni (orcs) live near the surface, and mingle with humans. Part-orc is a relatively common ancestry.

The Forges (below ground)

Hewellen – Dwarves with some fiendish heritage, probably. Some of them have horns. They are the dominant culture in the Forges.
Other dwarves – Dwarves tend to live in small communities interconnected by trade or cultural practice. The non-Hewellen dwarves in the Forges follow this tradition without much shared culture.
Valni – Orcs. Similar to dwarves, they live in small communities connected by religion and other cultural exchange. In terms of trade, they are just as likely to form ties with other peoples as with orcs.
Gnomes – A small but visible minority in many communities, especially Hewellen settlements. In the Forges, at least, there are no gnome-only settlements.
Goblins - The goblins of the Forges are a single culture and kingdom, but their custom is to translate even their own names into whatever other language they’re speaking, partly because Goblin is very hard for non-goblins to pronounce. Thus they’re just known as goblins.

Along the Tenneril river, (north of Malfa, west of the Forges)

River dwarves – Mixed hill dwarf and wood elf. There are quite a few of these peoples, spread out along the river and the foothills.
Humans – Mostly those native to Chadun. They intermingle with river dwarves a good deal.
Gnomes – Same deal as in the Forges.
Wood elves – They mostly live to the north, but some can be found along the river and in the western mountains.

Along the coast west of Malfa

Sea goblins – not a separate ancestry, but a name for goblins who live in caves along the coast. Some of them take boats out through sea caves for night fishing on the ocean, which is very unusual for goblins.
Humans – there are occasional fishing villages, but the coast is too steep and rocky for the most part.

Sea peoples

Sjofrennen - Sea elves. They roam all the oceans but are most often found in the Aldean Ocean to the west (bordering the Feywild).
Sjagrun – “Sea dwarves” (mixed sea elf and hill dwarf). They too wander round a good deal; they seem to hail from the islands to the west of Chadun, or thereabouts.

People of the Sealands

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