Brythunia Geographic Location in The Silver Shores | World Anvil
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Brythunia is an idyllic realm bathed in the serene light of justice and order, presided over by Saint Cuthbert, the god of law and justice. It is a place where righteousness reigns supreme, and the laws of morality and ethics shape the very fabric of reality. Brtyhunia is a realm of austere grandeur and imposing citadels, set amidst rolling plains and fortified mountains. The landscape is characterized by orderly gardens and meticulously laid out paths, all leading to the towering Cathedral of Judgement at the heart of the isle.

Saint Cuthbert rules over Brtyhunia with a stern sense of righteousness. The isle serves as a bastion of moral clarity, embodying principles of order, discipline, and the impartial enforcement of divine law. It stands as a beacon of justice and the pursuit of moral excellence. Those who bbeyed and fought to uphold the law, and other concepts such as fairness, and justice, particularly those who have taken Saint Cuthbert as a patron deity, such as the members of The Knights of the Cudgel are taken to Brythunia to stand before The Cudgel.

Those who are found worthy are allowed to dwell on Brythunia for eternity. Lawbreakers-murderers, and thieves, as well as those who are not honest and honorable are senteneced to either the Nine Hells or The Abyss for an eternity of torment.


Brtyhunia's landscape is characterized by sweeping plains that stretch to the horizon, interspersed with clusters of ancient oaks and cypress trees. The mountains rise like fortresses, their peaks crowned with watchtowers and citadels that overlook the realm with vigilant authority. Orderly gardens bloom with vibrant flowers, their colors a testament to the balance and harmony that Saint Cuthbert upholds.

Brythunia's promoinent landmarks are also the stuff of legend:
  • Cathedral of Judgment: A towering edifice of gray stone and stained glass, the Cathedral of Judgment dominates the skyline of Brtyhunia. Its spires reach towards the heavens, a testament to Saint Cuthbert's divine authority and the impartiality of his judgments.[/li
  • The Pillars of Resolve: Ancient stone pillars that mark the boundaries of Brtyhunia, engraved with the laws and commandments upheld by Saint Cuthbert. They stand as steadfast sentinels, ensuring that justice and order prevail throughout the realm

Localized Phenomena

The soundscape of Brtyhunia resonates with the echoes of solemn hymns and the rhythmic chants of clerics in prayer. The rustling of leaves and the distant tolling of bells from the Cathedral of Judgment create a tranquil yet imposing atmosphere, underscoring the realm's commitment to justice.


The climate of Brtyhunia is temperate yet severe, reflecting the stoic demeanor of its inhabitants. Cool breezes sweep down from the mountain heights, carrying with them the scent of pine and juniper. The skies above are often clear, offering a backdrop of azure blue against which the citadels and spires stand in stark contrast.

Fauna & Flora

Amidst the disciplined landscape of Brtyhunia, flora is carefully tended to reflect the virtues of order and discipline. Cypress trees stand sentinel along the paths, their somber foliage offering shade to pilgrims and travelers alike. Gardens bloom with orderly rows of roses and lilies, their petals pristine and symmetrical in arrangement.

  • Judgment Owls: Birds of prey that patrol the skies above Brtyhunia, their keen eyes piercing the darkness with unwavering focus. They swoop down upon wrongdoers with swift justice, guided by the divine principles of law and order.
  • Aegis Bears: Massive creatures with fur as white as snow, they lumber through the forests and meadows of Brtyhunia. Revered for their strength and endurance, they symbolize the protective mantle of justice that envelops the realm.
  • Sentry Hounds: Canines with coats of gray and white, their loyalty is unmatched as they stand guard at the gates and citadels of Brtyhunia. They enforce the laws of the realm with steadfast determination and unwavering resolve.
Alternative Name(s)
The Iron CItadel
Dimensional plane
Owning Organization

Cover image: by Generated by Malekoth using Image Creator from Microsoft Designer via Bing


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