Arborea Geographic Location in The Silver Shores | World Anvil
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Arboria is a realm of boundless forests and untamed wilderness. Towering trees, ancient groves, and vibrant flora blanket the land, interspersed with shimmering lakes and cascading waterfalls. is a realm of ancient forests and mystical glades, where the essence of nature thrives in all its splendor. Silvanus, god of nature, and Serrenna, goddess of the woods and wildlife, nurture Arboria is a haven for natural balance and harmony. It is a sanctuary where all life in the wild thrives.

Those who protected the balance of nature, or fought to preserve the woods and wildlife, or have chosen either Silvanus or Serrenna as a patron deity like the Wardens Of The Druidwash, come to Arboria when they die. Being descendents of the original fae that were sent to the Natural World, all Elves ascend directly to Arborea once their corporal form has perished.

If the being was indeed a steward of the cycle of nature, they become one of the denizens of the Evergreen Isle and spend eternity living in a verdant paradise. Any soul of a departed elf is reunited with its fae ancestors. Those who despoil nature, such as casing wanton destruction are sent to the lower planes as punishment.


Arboria's landscape is dominated by ancient forests of towering trees, their branches intertwining to create a canopy that filters the perpetual twilight. Glowing mushrooms and ethereal flowers carpet the forest floor, casting soft, multicolored light. Arboria is dotted with mystical glades, shimmering pools, and ancient standing stones. The Grove of Eldertrees, a sacred grove where the oldest and wisest trees stand sentinel, is a place of reverence and contemplation. The Moonlit Lake, a serene body of water that reflects the stars above and the trees around it, is a place of reflection and communion with nature.


The climate of Arboria is cool and temperate, with a gentle breeze that carries the scent of flowers and fresh greenery. The air is filled with the soft murmurs of leaves and the distant laughter of playful sprites.

Fauna & Flora

Flora: Arboria's flora is enchanting and otherworldly. Ancient trees with silver bark and leaves that shimmer like moonlight tower overhead. Glowing mushrooms of various sizes and colors dot the forest floor, their bioluminescence casting a magical glow. Ethereal flowers bloom in shades of blue, purple, and silver, their petals delicate and translucent.



  • Fey Creatures: Arboria is home to a myriad of fey creatures, including the fae and the faerie, sprites, pixies, nymphs, and dryads. These beings embody the magic of the forest, flitting through the trees and dancing among the flowers.
  • Unicorn Herds: These majestic creatures roam freely in Arboria, their coats gleaming with silver and gold. They are symbols of purity and grace, revered by the fey and protected by the magic of the forest.
  • Golden Stags: These mystical creatures have antlers that emit a soft, radiant light. They are guardians of the ancient groves, their presence warding off darkness and malevolent forces.
  • Moonlit Owls: Large owls with feathers that reflect the colors of the moon. They are wise and watchful, often serving as messengers and guides to those who seek wisdom in Arboria.
  • Fey Wolves: Wolves with coats that shift in color to blend with their surroundings. They are agile hunters and loyal companions to the fey creatures of Arboria.

Alternative Name(s)
The Evergreen Isle
Dimensional plane
Additional Rulers/Owners
Owning Organization

Cover image: by Generated by Malekoth using Image Creator from Microsoft Designer via Bing


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