Nirvana Geographic Location in The Silver Shores | World Anvil
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Nirvana was a serene and tranquil realm of blissful harmony, where gentle winds carry the laughter of contented souls. Crystal-clear lakes reflect the azure sky, surrounded by lush gardens and serene temples. Now Nirvana is just a barren, deserted island floating adrift in The Endless Sea, decimated by the murder of the god of luck and fate Kitsemus. Without the god's divine will and essence, the plane has become empty and desolate.

Only until another being with divine power and purpose arrives on this husk of astral matter to claim it as their own and reshape it to their divine will, will this Divine Isle be anything other than a desolate, deserted Upper Plane.

No soul can enter here until it is reclaimed by a new god with divine power.


Nirvana's landscape was said characterized by rolling hills, serene lakes, and lush gardens filled with exotic flowers. The air was infused with a sense of calm, and gentle breezes carry the scent of incense and blooming lotus flowers.

The main landmarks of the Tranquil Realm were:

  • Temple of Balance: An ancient temple that was nestled amidst cherry blossom trees, where once alive monks and mystics practice the art of harmonizing mind, body, and spirit. The temple's architecture was a testament to balance and symmetry, with tranquil gardens that inspired introspection and meditation.
  • Lake of Tranquility: A shimmering lake surrounded by lotus flowers and weeping willows, reflecting the azure sky above. Its waters were clear and calm, inviting visitors to find peace and stillness in its tranquil embrace.
  • Meadow of Harmony: A verdant meadow carpeted with wildflowers of every hue, where spirit deer grazed peacefully under the watchful gaze of enlightened monkeys. The meadow was a sanctuary of harmony, where the rhythms of nature and the songs of celestial birds blend in perfect symphony.

Localized Phenomena

The soundscape of Nirvana was filled with the soft rustling of bamboo leaves, the gentle lapping of water against the shores of the Lake of Tranquility, and the distant chimes of temple bells. Harmonious chants and meditative music resonated through the air, creating an atmosphere of tranquility and spiritual serenity.


The climate of Nirvana was temperate and mild, with soft sunlight filtering through the canopy of ancient trees. The weather was gentle, with occasional light showers that nourished the fertile soil and maintained the vibrant greenery.

Fauna & Flora

Nirvana's flora was diverse and enchanting. Lotus flowers of various colors bloomed on the surface of tranquil lakes, their petals unfolded in the warmth of the sun. Cherry blossom trees lined the pathways, their delicate blossoms drifted on the breeze. Sacred groves of bamboo and ferns provided shade and shelter to the inhabitants of Nirvana.

The fauna of Nirvana were beautiful and glorious to behold.
  • Celestial Birds: Birds with iridescent feathers that shimmer with every color of the rainbow. They sing melodious songs that resonate through the tranquil forests and gardens of Nirvana.
  • Enlightened Monkeys: Playful creatures with wise eyes and nimble fingers. They dwelled in ancient temples and sacred caves, guardians of ancient wisdom and spiritual teachings.
  • Tranquil Fish: Colorful fish that swam in the crystal-clear waters of Nirvana's lakes and streams. Their movements were graceful and synchronized, and embpided the peaceful rhythm of life in this former realm.
  • Lotus Turtles: Reclusive turtles that had shells adorned with lotus patterns. They basked in the sun-dappled waters. They were symbols of longevity and inner peace


Kitsemus was the god of fortune and fate, oversaw Nirvana as a realm of ultimate peace and spiritual enlightenment. It is a place where souls find respite from the trials of mortal existence, guided by the threads of destiny. Kitsemus would not be able to continue as steward of Nirvana, as he was attacked on this Divine Isle by the vile lich Vecna, murdered and his divine essence stolen by the Whispered One.

With Kitemus's divine power taken by Vecna, his realm Nirvana became a barren wasteland and the souls that dwelled there fell into the Endless Sea to wander for eternity.

All this is now forever gone.
Alternative Name(s)
formerly Tranquil Realm, formerly Enlightenment
Owning Organization

Cover image: by Generated by Malekoth using Image Creator from Microsoft Designer via Bing


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