Chapter II: The Birth of the Gods Myth in The Silver Shores | World Anvil
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Chapter II: The Birth of the Gods

The Age of the Divine Isles and the birth of the Gods

Primus knew they four would not be enough to overthrow the legion of Nameless Ones. The four siblings, the two Divine brothers and two Divine sisters would propagate; the women accepting the Divine seed of their brothers. They would create a small but powerful army with hopefully enough power to battle the otherworldly beings.

It was then the Divine beings took form for the first time. Primus became a man of blinding brilliance and warmth, a blazing sun rest atop his shoulders. Silvanus became of creature of life, embodying several characteristics of man, plant, and beast. Naussica had been reborn into a woman of the ocean depths, her appearance and garb fitting for a queen of the sea. And last, Nocturna changed into a woman of the night, her skin as white as the moon she once was and her hair as black as coal.

Primus then decreed that they would need to create a shelter, homes for themselves and their offspring to hide from the prying eyes of the Nameless Ones; though the horrific titans were so aloof that they seemed unaware of the gods’ plan unfolding.

Together the four created the Divine Isles, godly realms that existed outside and away from the world below. Surrounding the now ever changing sphere and covering the void beyond it would be the Endless Sea, in which Naussica would claim as her domain. Closest to the orb in the Endless Sea is where Nocturna would build Obscura, the home to which she laid claim. Silvanus would construct the evergreen isle he called Arboria. Primus would take the isle furthest from the world so it may forever preside over it and called it Helios.

The godly offspring that would be created would be; Mystra-born of Primus and Nocturna, Tempus-son of Silvanus and Naussica. Prospera came from the coupling of Primus of Naussica, who then Primus would claim as his betrothed. Nocturna and Silvanus would bear the gods, Revanna and Tyrannus. Lastly, Volturnus, Mystra, Ketsimus, and Asmodeus would be birthed from the union of Primus and Prospera. Twelve gods in total would now join the fight for their independence and the freedom of those on the world below. Still the Nameless Ones, either oblivious or uncaring, did not move against the gods.

Cover image: by Generated by Malekoth using Image Creator from Microsoft Designer via Bing


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