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Dungeon Punk is the core. branch into dark fantasy, noir, pulp, Casadoro v0.7
Theme: The Rich Never Pay, Capitalism is an empty promise,
Feel: "City of Tomorrow" Metropolis, Rise of the Millionaire.
Genre: Noir, Urban Fantasy.
Elements: Inventions/new ideas in *convenience and fashion*
Touchpoints: NYC
Power Dynamic: disorganized, the wealthy vie for more power.
Resulting ideas: supervillains? Olympianism.
Villains: illuminati (maestros?), supervillains, edison, olympian church,
Patrons: adventure organization. small business owners. down-and-out folks crushed by capitalism (debtors)(gotham crime stories). Private Eye.
adventures: noir. tailing. civic chases (follow that car). sneaking into fancy parties. HEISTS (need banks/vaults).
There's a proper mafia here which provides that "thieves guild" vibe without the name.   Aquila v1.0
Theme: Grey. Both Sides in a conflict can be bad. Vertical Power Structures put a cost on the "benefactor" when it's all over.
Feel: Powderkeg. Noble Society after its time.
Elements: Clans. History and Tradition as a coping mechanism for lost Privelege. Domestic Terrorism
Touchpoints: Boston, Pittsburg, Philly, Virginia
Power Dynamic: 12 against 1: Old Families pushing back against companies.
resulting ideas:
Villains (grey): Ambitious Family members. Ottofamiglia.
Patrons (grey): blue-collar companymen caught in the crossfire. idealist family members.
adventures (grey): infiltrating CDA. befriending CDA/Pirates.
  San Salvo v1.0
Theme: The Owning Class keep The Working Class divided. Industrialization, Urbanization, Automation benefit the rich most.
Feel: Steampunk Chicago
Genre: Urban Fantasy
Elements: Guilds! Industrialization, Urbanization, ~Automation. - that's inventions/new ideas in *manufacturing*
Touchpoints: American Industrial City. Chicago
Power Dynamic: 3 way beef, with an external foot on their throat
resulting ideas:
Villains: feds. parts of the guilds (usually the tops)
Patrons: idealists. USSP. parts of the guilds.
Adventures: counter-intelligence on fed activity. swinging council seats.
  Porto Ribelle v0.9
Theme: Corruption of ideals as power concentrates. Anarchists becoming fatcats. What someone will do to hold onto power (and from the outside, trying to figure out if they're earnest or selfish)
Feel: post-revolutionary cuba
Genre: ?
Elements: weird vibe - never know who's fucking you over.
Touchpoints: Republic of Pirates. post-revolutionary Cuba. Stalinist russia
Power Dynamic: Power is concentrating in the wake of a vacuum.
resulting ideas:
Villains: The Party (?). Corrupt "mates"
Patrons: The Party(?) some of the "mates"
Adventures: Staring down pirates with a bluff.
  Falco v0.1
identity: The Power City
Theme: (theme can be light, or driven from external-location quests. this isn't a place players will just hang out looking for work. and that's ok)
Feel: a factory floor. loud, dangerous industrial equipment all around you. not the kind of place to raise your kids. The Nostromo in Alien.
Genre: ?
Elements: one massive power-generating organization.
Touchpoints: Contemporary China. Shinra?
Power Dynamic: There is a singular enterprise that runs the entire city. at odds with the power companies and mayyyyybe some espionage stuff with the power enterprises in San Salvo. (think about a mono-party system where the commission "elects" their great leader).
Villains: The Enterprise.
Patrons: ? Power Enterprises in San Salvo?
Look: built flat and wide like a rig. catches lightning to recharge crystals and processes them.
  Nasarro v0.1
Theme: exploitation that comes from private domination of limited real estate. Housing Crisis. Gentrification. yeah you're living in disneyworld but its bankrupting you. predatory fulfilment of your dreams.
Feel: Beautiful and impressive and "holy shit the power of the tourism industry" is felt. hidden oppression of labor
Touchpoints: hawaii + Orldando. A Resort city.
Power Dynamic: there is a city-council esque commission. (voted in? employees unable to vote) excellent legal teams prevent action against the parks. they argue loopholes well.
look: a mountain in the middle. with roller coasters comprising the theme park portion. and one side with a waterfall (generated by labor) etc.
Villains: ?
Patrons: ? but that's ok - this can be a destination for quests and not necessarily a hub
Adventures: ?
    Ost Almira v1.0
Role: City of wonder in the desert. A (very successful) foil to dwarven society.
Theme: Balancing Change and Tradition - your inherited identity vs chosen one. original sin and weight of legacy. (kin) a found place to belong and proving yourself worthy of it. Environmental disaster. The importance of a place that *is* inextricably home to your people.
Feel: Magic is everywhere - awe and wonder at it. and also "why build this place here"
Genre: Urban Fantasy, dark fantasy? pulp adventure in the indiana jones sense.
Elements: impressive shows, gambling, feats of magical engineering, underground unrest. maybe even "the time for monarchy to come to an end." Crazy magic fruit. Jousts. Biggest Magical university in the world. some of the best weaponsmiths in the world.
Touchpoints: Dubai, Vegas, ~British Monarchy today?
Power Dynamic: Monarch vs Political Parties vs Secret would-be despots. (does the revolutionary party really want to change things, or just become the ones in power?)
Villains: Crown. ambitious advisors. royal spymaster. drow. maybe political party leaders. Sindr.
Patrons: other parties? independent merchants
Adventures: cross-desert race. convincing people of enviro dangers. Sindr stuff. chases through a bazaar.
  Nuremborc v0.8
Theme: When we're free to act, will we act or relax? systems that give The People power are possible. But they require The People to be responsible, and when we aren't responsible, the system crumbles
Feel: dissonance; army of the dead at the gates and people are drinking and watching wrestling. modern Euro society and philosophy.
Genre: ?
Elements: Existentialism, anarcho-socialist civ structure,
Touchpoints: Existentialist Europe
Power Dynamic: series of self-organized groups that pursue their own projects accoring to their will. a town "champion" who seeks to understand the needs of the people and meet them.
Villains: maybe a city-defense leader who gets ambitious or misguided (NOD?). skeleman army. ?
Patrons: ?
Adventures: dealing with food supply issues (missing/attacked caravans through the mountains). siege stuff and military missions regarding skelemans. issues with the trade house and encroaching capitalism?
    Sporca v0.0
Touchpoints: Ancient Greece
resulting ideas:
    Gardenia Springs v0.1
Theme: People banding together against impossible odds. The positives of human pride in our accomplishments/art.
Feel: zombie apocalypse final act where people put aside their differences to fight zombies. taking cover behind priceless human empire busts.
Genre: zombie apocalypse
Elements: priceless artifacts but with no room for greed. barricades.
Touchpoints: Les Miserables barricade. Final defense at that mansion in 28 days later. air raid sirens during undead attacks. something like the edge of the deep roads
Power Dynamic: worker-owned commune.
Villains: external companies trying to weasel in. organized skeleman seiges. undead emmisarries come to offer terms.
Patrons: Defenders of the settlement. people with missing loved ones (who may have wandered off, but no of course they'd never do that)
Adventures: ?
notes: they have a trade relationship with pirates. they stay out of that bullshit conflict     Slag Point v0.2
mining one Theme:
Power Dynamic:
resulting ideas:
  Devil's Den v0.0
Feel: wild west with undead.
Genre: weird west.
Elements: horses? pistol manufacturer
Power Dynamic: Sherrif
resulting ideas:
Villains: bandits?

  Hastile v0.0
Theme: frontier's not so bad. small towns are the way to go. monsters, though. but less monstrous folks here without a care for money or status
Feel: Bayou swamp town. the reptiles in Elder Scrolls.
Genre: Bayou stuff
Elements: rafts (hoverboards?), river monsters, catfish, some rojin mysteries (they're across the bay - so word of escaped rojin coming through).
Touchpoints: Louisiana, true blood oddly enough, midnight mass? spirit bog in tolkein
Power Dynamic:
Villains: rogue sages, wild cults?
Patrons: mayor,
Adventures: river monsters, witch/hag vibes maybe? gorgon (creature like spectators/beholders) encounters they ARE across a small bay from Grendlen.
  Pirates of the Sky Seas
Feel: Bombastic, fun, thrilling
Genre: Pulp Swashbuckling.
resulting ideas:
Villains: corrupt pirates. navy men.
Patrons: idealist pirates
  The Underdark
Feel: unsettling, confusing, scary
Genre: Cosmic Horror
Touchpoints: Bloodborne Dungeons.
resulting ideas:
  Human Ruins
Feel: undead, cursed, you shouldn't be here.
resulting ideas:


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