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Keledek was a human wizard based in Saltmarsh until the very end of 1496.   A very reclusive man, Keledek values secrecy and privacy above all, rarely disclosing his research or venturing outside to see the people Saltmarsh, causing a bevy of rumors to spring up around him.  


Keldek moved into Saltmarsh in the mid-1470s, establishing himself in a tower on the northern side of town. Very rarely did Keledek venture out of his tower, preferring to send his familiar imp Dante out to collect the few supplies he needed. This secrative nature led to rumors flying about Keledek's true purpose, what he does in the tower, and whether or not he can spy on the people of Saltmarsh. In truth, Keledek moved to Saltmarsh to do his research away from the prying eyes of other equally or more powerful mages.   Unbeknownst the the townspeople, Keledek was not always alone in his tower, as he had taken on an apprentice in the early 1480s named Gideon Mistmoor, though Gideon was dismissed by Keledek after a few years for being a failure, humilitating him.   By 1496, Keledek had recruited a new apprentice, a young man named Pearce, and stationed him on his personal ship, the Emperor of the Waves, to conduct experiments best kept away from shore, sometimes involving the kidnapping of people, such as the drow Ardula.   Near the start of the the summer of 1496, Keledek detected some strange happenings occuring along the Sword Coast North and sent Pearce to investigate. Pearce's investigations yielded the sign of the Banesmark, but the wielder of the mark hunted Pearce down for what he had discovered, killing him, but not before the derelict ship managed to drift away.   On the 8th of Eleasis, the Heroes of Saltmarsh, at Keledek's request, searched the Emperor of the Waves, discovering Pearce's body and the Banesmark, escaping before the ship was sunk by a kraken.   Unsure of the the strange symbol was, Keledek reluctantly mentioned to the Heroes that they could ask Brisk, the court wizard of Lord Protector Dagult Neverember, but to not mention his name.   When the Heroes returned following the attack on the Neverwinter Gala, they came with Krisella Ferox a young noble framed for being responsible for the attack who wanted revenge against its perpetrator. Krisella started working with Keledek as a pseudo-apprentice, gaining magical tattoos that granted her cantrips and spells in exchange for her help.   Shortly before the Battle of the Spire, Krisella left for the Whalebones to pursue a lead related to the plans of the Banesmark's owner.   During that year's Monster's Eve, Gideon Mistmoor returned to Saltmarsh to seek revenge on his master, transforming Keledek into a sheep using a wand of True Polymorph he'd located, before using the wand to transform most of the town into their monsterous costumes and teleporting his childhood home to Saltmarsh, destroying the town's own abandoned mansion in the process. However, the Heroes managed to subdue Gideon, transforming the townsfolk and Keledek back, the latter of which then killed Gideon before stalking back to his tower.   Following the Heroes raid on the Twilight Monastery, the Blackstaff of Waterdeep Vajra Safahr and Brisk, representatives of the Hand of Mana, spoke with Keledek about what he knew about the Banesmark. Worried now that powerful wizards were interested in his business, Keledek began preparing to leave Saltmarsh, but first sent the Heroes to the Whalebones to find the now missing Krisella.   Following the Heroes return, Mogran Oredelver tried to convince Keledek to stay and help Saltmarsh, but Keledek refused, though Lyra managed to sneak a fish knack into his suitcase.   Keledek's current whereabouts are unknown.


Social Aptitude

Though very intelligent, Keledek is a brash, callous man that views most relationships as transactional in some way, shape, or form. He is motivated almost entirely by self-interest and self-preservation, spending most of his time researching ways to increase his own power and knowledge.


Keledek has a habit of stroking his beard while thinking.
Current Status
Current location unknown after leaving Saltmarsh in 1496
Owned Vehicles

Cover image: by James' RPG Art
Character Portrait image: by Ashley


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