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The outside of this town are a mixture of farmlands and small villages. The buildings that surround the the walls look pretty standard, with homes and small business.   The city walls are about 20 foot tall and made of stacked carved stone that has been reinforced with cement and iron bracing. However, most outsiders will be distracted by what is seen beyond the walls, tall, twisting towers that intertwine with one another as well as massive trees that grow within the walls.   The gates are guarded by a group of Gnomes. They will stop any new people, ask for their ID, and collect their names.   Entering the main city overwhelms the visitors with sounds: hammering of metal on metal, grinding of metal on metal, sounds of metal moving incredibly fast, sounds of steam, and many other unidentifiable sounds. The ground level is a scrapyard with buildings being held above the ground on large iron poles and large trees.   The Rusty Cog
A tavern called the Rusty Cog. This is built for Gnome size so medium sized creatures will have to duck through the door. The tavern is run by a family of Gnomes who are happy to see new people. In fact, most of the other customers are curious and will crowd visitors.   The costs of this tavern are Comfortable.   Rog's Shop
This large wooden building is run by a elderly Gnome called Rog. Normally he makes small gadgets for making living easier, but he does have some magic items available. He isn't really interested in buying items.   Jewellers
This store is run by an elderly female Gnome.   Overseers Office
This is the office and home to Tanner Shinkick, as well as the home to Yodysa Shinkick, his daughter.


95% Gnomish, 5% Other
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Additional Rulers/Owners
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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