Astral Plane

The Astral Plane, called by Wakandans the Ancestral Plane (Djalia), is a dimension closely linked to Earth. In some parts of the Astral Plane, one call see or even interact with the living world.

The Plane cannot be accessed physically by Humans. In order to enter the Astral Plane, a human must sepperate their spirit from their physical body. This can be achieved via magic or religious ritual. In rare cases, severe physical injury can also cause a person's spirit to spontaneously leave their body and enter the Astral Plane, creating the phenomena of 'out of body experiences'.

According to the Book of Vishanti, believed to have been written in around 15,000 BCE, the Astral Plane was created by the goddess Oshtur as a place where mortals and gods could meet, as a gift for her son Agamotto (the first Sorceror Supreme ).

The Ancestral Plane is central to Wakandan Native Religion, and Wakandans possess an ability unique among non-magic users to leave an impression of their spirit on the Ancestral Plane after death, in order to guide their descendants. During the ritual to bestow the power of the Heart-shaped Herb upon a new Black Panther, the Panther's spirit enters the Ancestral Plane, to recieve the blessings and wisdom of their ancestors.

There is debate in magical circles about how Wakandans gained this unique ability, and whether the Ancestral Plane is truely part of the Astral Plane or another dimension closely linked to it. However, as Wakandan Native Religion is a closed practise, and due to Wakanda's isolationist outlook, requests by the Masters of the Mystic Arts to study the phenomena have been refused.

Alternative Name(s)
Wakandan: Djalia / Ancestral Plane | Archiac: Spiritual Realm | Alternative: The Temple of Oshtur
Dimensional plane