Emperor of the Kree

The title given to the leader in the earliest years of the Kree Empire, which was replaced first by a council of leaders, and later by the Supreme Intelligences. 

The title was revived during the years of the Kree Imperium. Since the Phalanx Crisis and the death of Genis-Vell, it is once again defunct. The de-facto leader of the remnants of the Imperium, Glah-Ree, has stated that he has no interest in assuming the title himself.

A popular rumour persists, particularly amoung Kree-Skrull Hybrids, that Genis-Vell had a child with the last Princess of the Skrulls, Princess Anelle. If this were true, the child would have a valid claim on both the title of Emperor of the Kree and Emperor of the Skrull.

Form of Address
Imperial Majesty
Source of Authority
Originally hereditary, though Genis-Vell took the title by force of arms
Length of Term
Past Holders
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