Supreme Intelligence

The Supreme Intelligence was the title given to the Kree supercomputers which governed the Kree Empire. Although there were 59 iterations of this computer before the fall of the Empire, all were referred to as the Supreme Intelligence in order to create an impression of continuity.

The last universally recognised Supreme Intelligence was Supreme Intelligence LIX, who was destroyed by Carol Danvers and Genis-Vell, ending the Kree Empire.

While escaping from Hala during the Phalanx Crisis, Noh-Varr took a copy of a backup of Supreme Intelligence LIX which was stored in the ruins of the Database. While a member of the Royal Inhuman Expidition, he installed a modified version of this backup, named the Plex Intelligence on the Database's servers.

Whether the Plex Intelligence is a new Supreme Intelligence (and whether being a Supreme Intelligence should grant it political authority) is the primary point of contention between the Utopian Kree and the remains of the Kree Imperium and Sons of Koth.


The first Supreme Intelligence was created during the period of political upheaval which followed the defeat of the Kree Empire during the Kree-Badoon War, and the revolt of Deneb IV.

The intention was that an Artifial Intelligence would be more objective, and resistance to corruption, and therefore would make a leader worthy of trust. Of course, in practise the Supreme Intelligences reflected the prejudices of their creators, but it had the intended affect of restoring faith in the government on Hala.

Cultural Significance

Over time, the importance of the Supreme Intelligence in Kree society grew, to the point that they assumed a quasi-religious status.
Civic, Political
First Supreme Intelligence created in approx 56,000 BCE
Form of Address
Supremor | Supreme Intelligence
Related Locations
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