Imperator <WIP>

Unknown (a.k.a. The Imperator)

The Imperator was the creator of the Empirikul, leader of a transdimensional anti-magic crusade.

He was summoned to this dimension by Karl Mordo, who had grown dissolusioned with magic, and come to believe that the power it offered was corruptive. Together, they waged a month-long campaign against the Masters of the Mystic Arts, culminating in the Battle of Stonehenge, when they sought to use the Nexus of All Realities to spread the Empirikul's campaign accross the multiverse.

The Imperator was killed by the Sorcerors Supreme.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Early Life

The Imperator's exact home dimension is unknown, but it is known to be one of the dimensions connected to the Archipelago of Anguish and Redemption, as Shuma-Gorath was worshipped as the primary god of his home culture.

His parents, Hieronymus and Abbadona Hellgore, were scientists, persecuted by the Blood Monks, Shuma-Gorath's cult. When they heard that they were going to be arrested for heresy, they hid their infant son, along with an Artifial Intelligence designed to raise him, and prepared to fight back. However, they were overwhealmed, and both perished in the confrontation.

As a result of witnessing these events, the Imperator developed an overweaning hatred of magic. He believe it corrupted those who used it, and the only way to save humanity was the eliminate it completely.

As a young man, he used his parents' cybernetic and robotics research to enhance his own body, and to build an army of Eyebots. He invented the Anti-Magic Gun, and armed with them, his army, which he named the Empirikul , succeeded in wiping out the Blood Monks, and 'cleaning' the world of magic.

Rather than retire, now that he had accomplished his life's work, he began researching dimensional travel in order to spread his mission to other dimensions.

The Empirikul Invasion

Section under construction
Date of Death
22nd May 2018
Circumstances of Death
Killed by the Sorcerors Supreme <WIP>
Unknown parallel Earth
Place of Death
Aligned Organization