
The ability to change one's physical form (as distinct from the creating the illusion of having changed form or possessing the body of another being).

There are several species with natural shapeshifting abilities, including Frost Giants, Skrulls, and Dire Wraiths.

Due to the incredible difficulting of shape-changing via Magic, a distinction is not usually made between those who have inborn shape-shifting abilities, and those who study shape-shifting magics.

Shapeshifters fall within a number of categories:
  • Bodimorphs - can change the elemental make-up of their bodies, but cannot otherwise change their appearance
  • Metamorphs - can assume the form of other members of their species (or similar looking species) but cannot assume forms with dramatic physical differences. For some metamorphs this includes changing their internal organs, while for others the changes are purely cosmetic
  • Micro/Megamorphs - can change their size, but not otherwise alter their appearance. All known micromorphs use Pym Particles to trigger the transphormation
  • Omnimorphs - can shape-shift with few or no limits
  • Polymorphs - can stretch, expand, or reform parts of their body
  • Transmorphs - can change between two set forms, but cannot assume other shapes. Most Gamma Mutates are transmorphs
Bruce Banner
Emil Blonsky
Amadeus Cho
Geoffrey Crawford
Erik Josten
Roberto Reyes
Betty Ross
In addition, members of the following species or groups all have some degree of shape-shifting abilities:
Flora Colossi 
Frost Giants 
Kree-Skrull Hybrids 
Skrulls & Dire Wraiths
Related Technologies
Banner-Ross Serum 
Pym Particles 

Articles under Shape-Shifting