
Kushala (a.k.a. Spirit Rider)

Kushala, also known as the Sprit Rider, was a Sorceror Supreme in the 13th Century, as well as a Ghost Rider.

She was possessed by a spirit of vengeance when her brother was killed during a fight. Her quest to understand, and learn to control, the spirit lead her to the study of magic, eventually becoming the most powerful Magic User of her day, and Sorceror Supreme.

Her expertise in astral projection allowed her to build relationships with other magic users around the world, and her recorded teachings are still used as the basis for teaching the art to novices by the Masters of the Mystic Arts.

She was recruited by Stephen Strange and the Demiurge using the power of the Eye of Agamatto to assist them in saving Earth from the Empirikul in the 21st Century.

Along with Modred the Mystic, Master Yao, and Ire of the Crua before the Ice, she defeated the Imperator, before being returned to her own time.
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
1257 CE 1340 CE 83 years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations