
This article is a Work In Progress. Please have patience while we caulk up all the leaks and re-sew the mainsails, and we'll soon be back to our regularly scheduled sailing!
The black mass of water merged into something huge, terrifying, but also animalistic. In a strange mimicry of a horse bending down to eat an apple out of a hand, the thing that was once the ocean bent down to caress Nakhiratos’ hand. With something that was wonder, and something that wasn’t, the Illustrist stepped forward and pressed his hand against the water; slipping his fingers into the stagnant wave. All at once, tiny eyes blinked impossibly quickly all over the wave in a shiver, so quick Jal could’ve convinced himself it was a strange reflection of the light of the moon. There was an eerie sound, like the crash of waves, like the groan of wood, like the rattle of an avalanche. It was like a mountain was testing its voice. It was, Jal realised, alive.
— Chapter Thirty-Seven, The Sun Thief
    A mythical creature from Northern Meraqian folklore thought to have a body of endless dark, and a thousand star-like eyes. The Toreworld in Meraqian mythology is said to be one of the creature's eyes, plucked out of its body by the Creator.


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