Blue Lassantine

This article is a Work In Progress. Please have patience while we caulk up all the leaks and re-sew the mainsails, and we'll soon be back to our regularly scheduled sailing!
A precious stone found in various locations across the Toreworld, with the largest natural deposits being found in Hymbia and Yagoye. Said to be remnants of pieces that 'fell from the sky,' in various myths and folklore. With a Mohs hardness scale rating of 8-10, depending on the percentage of Ice-Glass in its chemical composition, Blue Lassantine, is used in both jewellery and technology. Larger pieces have also been used as furniture - though the natural occurrance of large deposits of Blue Lassantine is rare, causing these items to be obscenely expensive.  


  Known as simply 'Lassantine' when the chemical composition has a small enough percentage of Ice-Glass to allow the rock to take on characteristics of the other minerals in its composition. For instance, Gold Lassantine is a compound mineral with a liquid gold-like appearance with a high percentage of natural gold in its composition.  
A necklace made of Amber Lassantine, known as 'Amberline.' by By Pfeffermin(Using Microsoft Designer)

Amber Lassantine, or Amberline

  Lassantine's unique physical properties enabling it to easily conduct or store magical energy meant that it was used in most magical technology. The word for 'set magic,' then took on the name of this stone, due to the common use of Amberline in Illustrial Technology. ( See: Amberline.)    
Jal Visari's Blue Lassantine Staircase is made of a single piece of this.
A natural chunk of Blue Lassantine unearthed in Yagoye by Pfeffermin (Using Microsoft Designer)
Mohs Scale: 10
Common State


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