29.8.24 - Camp Debrief & Summer Reading

We did it folks... Here's to August September
  Whooo we did it!   No but really, I'm sad Summer Camp's over. Being my first WA event I've taken part in it's been a blast seeing what a hive of activity the website becomes.   I decided to take part this year mainly because I needed something to fill the void that would have been Camp Nano July, and I managed to write over 70k - more than double the amount I usually get during Nano. Granted, it will need serious editing - the amount of spelling errors I've caught after the deadline that I'm itching to fix once the comp is over is innumerable! But I've fleshed out my world in the space of a month more than in the past few years thanks to summer camp and I'm really grateful. Looking forward to the next competition!   I didn't manage to finish all the articles I wanted for summer camp, so once I finish the countries/religions I might go back to those. After going to the Olympics this summer I wanted to create my own fantasy version I mention in Bhufainese 'little crown' dumplings called the Valiannic Trials. Once I've done those it'll probably be Worldember and time for some new ones!   My competition articles can be found here, and stats are below.    


Articles: 11
Stubs: 562
Badge: Copper
Hours Procrastinating:
Words Total in World: 74,163
  Now, with that out of the way, it's time for the articles that really inspired me this summer. I've been on trips since the beginning of August so I haven't managed to read/comment as much as I'd hoped, but here's the ten articles that really stood out to me, from worlds I adore:  

Summer Reading


1) Saint Nora - By Chrispy_0

  Now I could have picked from any number of articles from Chrispy_0 this year. All of them with gorgeous CSS and art, slick layout, great detail and often funny, but the article for Saint Nora is particularly brilliant.  
Saint Nora
Character | Jul 31, 2024

Saint Nora Judges Souls who pass on...


2) Galvon's Sorrow by Adcheryl

  This is a beautiful little world, with really effective paper-like art and design which I just adore. This particular article felt real, with the origin story and the details of millet and cabbage especially superb.  
Galvon's Sorrow
Geographic Location | Jul 16, 2024

The river basin with unpredictable flood cycle, it's associated with the Krin-Gion's Goddess of Harvest.


3) Tribute to Venderus by CorsairAquilus

  Now this world is a HUGE inspiration to me as a lover of history. I've always loved and looked for fictional worlds set in eras before the Middle Ages, and like Adcheryl's above, reading any article but especially this one drew me in completely, and feels like a real historical account.  
Tribute to Venderus
Tradition / Ritual | Jul 23, 2024

4) Yellow Fog by Elizabread

  This is such a well-written (and terrifying!) article. The bits of prose depicting the epidemic were particularly wonderful, and I loved the prevention box.  
Yellow Fog
Condition | Sep 14, 2024

A bloodborne illness that claimed the lives of a million people and led to improvements in sanitary measures


5) The Cheeseguard by Serukis

  When I tell you I raced to click this link! Living near the birthplace of a famous cheese myself I know how protective folk can be of it, and this article didn't disappoint. Funny, yes, (Who needs proof when cheese is involved!), but also sombering with that poignant final line, I went on a whole journey during these short paragraphs.  
The Cheeseguard
Military Formation | Jul 11, 2024

A largely ceremonial group that guard the cheese caves of Keld from would-be thieves.


6) Aasooloonusasuu by Kittymonster

  This one blew me away. The layout is so smooth and gorgeous; the little translations of the names and titles presented so effectively and interestingly. I love the story of Aasooloonusasuu, and I wish I could catch a glimpse of them in our oceans.  
Character | Jul 8, 2024

The prime dakuth sacrificed themselves to save other sapients as their galaxy collapsed. Aasooloonusasuu was the only of them to survive.


7) Skulker by oaster2000

  I loved this one - perhaps because it's a little remniscent of Mad Max, perhaps because it's a great article. I especially liked the little details and names of the variants.  
Vehicle | Jul 5, 2024

Cobbled together vehicles of metals and arcane implements that roam the Slycol Desert


8) Valebond by Hanhula

  A love hate letter to bad healthcare systems; I adored this one. Hilarious, unique and detailed, with fantastic little quotes!  
Tradition / Ritual | Aug 2, 2024

A Medimian formal rite of contract that binds employers to offering healthcare for their employees.


9) Soujou-bou's castle by Amy Winters-Voss

This article is so well laid out and interesting. I loved the images and the detail about the tea house. It's a great example of an article drawing you in to a world.
Soujou-bou's Castle
Settlement | Sep 8, 2024

Soujou-bou's residence and League HQ

10) Goliath Blackfield Mussel by Mochimanoban

  A really unique take on the prompt, like all of the Yonderverse I was instantly taken by this article. From the artwork down to the conservation status, it's clear so much care has been put into every aspect. Really inspirational, and a cool concept!  
Goliath Blackfield Mussel
Fauna | Sep 1, 2024

Gigantic molluscs that feed on dead plankton.

  So what's next? Like I said earlier, there will be a cooldown on the Summer Camp frantic pace as I attempt to beautify, edit and fill out the world. I'll have to stop procrastinating with messing around with CSS as I find that every time I add a feature, I inadvertently break another. The perils of amateurship! But it's fun anyway.   If you've read this far - thank you, and be sure to give the above worlds some love.   'Til next time, traveller ...   -Pfeffermin    


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Aug 29, 2024 20:47 by Mochi

Oh wow, thank you so much for such high praise! I have a lot of fun with my species articles :D <3

I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Check out my Institutes of Learning Challenge entry!
Aug 31, 2024 14:02 by mina

Yonderverse is such a lovely little world you should be very proud of it and all of your articles, it's such an inspiration to me! Looking forward to see what you come up with next! :)

Aug 31, 2024 13:45 by Nimin N

Thank you so much for featuring Aasooloonusasuu & your praise, it made my day. <3

Aug 31, 2024 14:00 by mina

You're so welcome! It was hard to pick which article of yours to put on here but I have a soft spot for colossal jelly-like creatures.