Radiant Guard

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I swear to uphold the Grace and the Radiance of his Majesty for as long as my soul burns with life, and the Warrior's strength remains in my arms, so may the Knights witness it.
— Extract from the Radiant Guard Oath of Ascension
  Said to be founded by the god Eufer Lightbringer himself, the Radiant Guard is an ancient miltary order formed to protect the sovereign of Laros. As part of its duties, it is also tasked with the protection of the honour and interests of the Larosi people, though through the centuries different formations of Radiant Guards have followed this instruction to differing extents.   Recognisable by their famous golden armour, sun emblem and white cloaks as well as their elite fighting style, the Radiant Guard have been a fixture in the Red Cazaar since the first Larosi sovereign. Over the centuries, there have been minor differences to the organisation and practices of the Radiant Guard, but the leading role of the Commander of the Radiant Guard, and the important traditions such as that of the ceremony of Ascension - the initiation of a member of the Radiant Guard - has remained remarkably unchanged since its creation, according to what has been described in Eufer Lightbringer's writings.  

Origin and creation

  On his return to Setferga after his journey in search of the Creator, Eufer Lightbringer dissolved the old military guard responsible for the protection of the sovereign - the Crownsguard, and replaced it with a new organisation which he named the Radiant Guard. He chiefed it with its first Commander, his sister Lellah Setferga, and tasked it with the duty to protect the 'Radiance' of the kingdom - which in his writings he explains refers to the 'honor, dignity, goodness and liveliness' of a people, as well as that of the crowned sovereign.  


  The implication and meaning of 'Radiance,' or the 'protection of Radiance' so far as its used to describe the duty of the Radiant Guard has been debated by historians and institutions of political thought. Some more progressive rulers over the years have attributed its meaning as a command by its founder to make sure all ordinary citizens experience the same joys of life as the aristocracy, and that it is the duty of the Radiant Guard to ensure this. Others have used the vagueity of the message as a way to ignore it. The generally agreed upon definition is taken from Eufer's own writings, which talks of the need of a sovereign to remain worthy of his people, by not taxing too much or sending them into unjust wars for instance, and as a figurehead, by not inviting scandal by his actions or by being overly cruel. The Radiant Guard then, were tasked with ensuring that the sovereign remained worthy.   The issue of Radiance has affected many courts, with one young Kharthemion King in the late 7th century being legally commanded by the Royal court to keep the Radiant Guard at his door at night, lest he continue his habit of midnight wanderings into the city and posing as a civilian.  

Organisation and hierarchy

  The Radiant Guard consists of three rings of members:   The Outer Ring, who are not yet allowed to wear the famous white cloak, are the least experienced, and consists of aspiring members who are training for the Rite of Ascension - the series of difficult and dangerous tests and trials that one must undertake before becoming a member of the Radiant Guard. There are on average fifty members of this ring at any given time, though in some years their numbers have dwindled or exceeded that durng peacetime and war time respectively. These members are known as Redcloaks, due to the coloured cloaks the non-Ascended members of the Radiant Guard are required to wear.   The Middle Ring is made up of eighteen handpicked members who have passed their Rite of Ascension. If one fails the Rite, they are stripped of all titles and exiled, so only those who have Ascended make up the Middle Rank. These members are known as Whitecloaks, due the ceremonial cloak they are given during the ceremony of Ascension, and are some of the most elite fighters on the continent. During the Vringfeuer Dynasty, all members of the Radiant Guard were given whitecloaks, as the new sovereign Vasilyan III Vringfeuer wished them to be recognisible when he sent them into the city to quash any rebellion.   The Inner Ring is made up of the Commander of the Radiant Guard and one to three of her most trusted Whitecloaks. These are usually the best fighters and strategists with the most military experience, but also the most devout, due to the position's high importance in the Euferist religion. Commanders of the Radiant Guard are made to deliver sermons at the Temple of Light, the highest institution of Orthodox Euferism, and are considered divine manifestations of the Warrior - Jehemat the Strong, the Godling Knight of Strength and War.      

Traditions, ceremonies and practices

Ceremony of Acension by Pfeffermin(Using Microsoft Designer)

The Rite of Ascension

  Due to the general belief on the Meraqian continent that any true ruler who had commanded the will of the people was mandated to do so by the Gods as well, any gain in status is seen as becoming one step closer to the Gods. For this reason, any promotion in Laros is established through a ceremony known as the Rite of Ascension. This ceremony can take many forms, depending on the profession or title it represents.   In the Radiant Guard, the Rite of Ascension consists of four stages, one for each of the 'rings' of the guard, and one for the sovereign. The first three stages are trials and tournaments - the details of which have changed over the years. The last stage is the same - each member must commit an 'Act of Radiance.' This has been generally taken to mean a great feat or seemingly impossible task undertaken in the interest of the kingdom (or its sovereign). Some years, none made the rank of Whitecloak, other years the cloak was given for something as mundane as polishing the sovereign's wine cup. Phion Rammscear's intended Act of Radiance, was the slaying of the Jitarib.    
The Radiant Guard putting down a rebellion against the Vringfeuer Dynasty by Pfeffermin (By Microsoft Designer)


  We who hold the light  

Alternative Names

The Guard,   Whitecloaks,   Redcloaks,   Goldheelers or the Goldheels   the Imperial Hand,   Wheelboots  
Special Forces
Around 1 AGK
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy
Used by

Fighting Style

  The very first Commander of the Radiant Guard, Lellah Setferga, was trained under her brother's fellow Godling Knight, the Warrior Queen of Yagoye, Jehemat the strong. She passed those teachings onto the first cohort of Godling Knights, and it is from her the famous unique martial movement of the Radiant Guard is said to originate. Radiant Guard members' unique fighting style is intended to separate and attack crowds of attackers with a rippling snake movement down their formation line that earnt a civil war between two rival houses of the Tayyad Dynasty, and two separate Radiant factions in 654 AGK, the nickname 'the Battle of the Serpents'.  
The Radiant Guard practicing under the teaching of their Commander by Pfeffermin (Microsoft Designer)

Training and Education

  Different sovereigns throughout the years have given differing duties to the Radiant Guard depending on their interpretation of 'Radiance'. Theras III Kharthemion, the Sunshine Queen, for instance, tasked the Radiant Guard with entertaining the populace. Their training therefore, consisted of studying the best in art, music and theatre. Vasilyan III Vringfeuer used them as a military and sometimes mercenary force, instructing them to be trained in the best martial arts. Notably, Esfan VI Tayyad-Kharthemion sent the Deputy-Commander of the Radiant Guard to Bhufain to learn from the best cook in the continent, so that he might suitably 'command the Radiance' of his kitchen.  
Ceremonial Uniform of the Commander of the Radiant Guard during the Vringfeuer Dynasty by Pfeffermin (Using Microsoft Designer)

Cover image: Radiant Guard Ceremonial Armour from the Tayyad-Kharthemion Dynasty by Pfeffermin(Using Microsoft Designer)


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Aug 11, 2024 14:00 by Marjorie Ariel

I love the details of the rites of ascension and the importance of the number 4 in Western Meraquian culture.

Aug 26, 2024 18:14 by mina

I'm so glad you liked those details! Thank you so much for inventing/judging this prompt I had a blast writing for it! :)

Aug 26, 2024 19:15 by Marjorie Ariel

I didn't come up with thr prompt. I just volunteered to sponsor it. But I'm so glad you enjoyed responding to it! It's been a lot of fun reading everybody's entries!