
This article is a Work In Progress. Please have patience while we caulk up all the leaks and re-sew the mainsails, and we'll soon be back to our regularly scheduled sailing!
Oh what a great profession we clever fools have found ourselves! A way to drink and dance and talk until our heart's content or our throats are slit.   A far too many of my folk have met the latter end, but every hopeful foolish Wyrdfellow still believes he'll get the first.
— Travels with a Wyrdsmith, Anonymous
  You've likely heard more of the infamy of a Wyrdsmith than met a true member of the profession themselves. Many bards, semi-talented musicians or amateur writers will go around the Toreworld, naming themselves as one of the prestigious few who earned the title by studying at the Wyrdhouse of Azendipan, though most often they are liars.   A true Wyrdsmith is easy to be recognised, however. One must simply hear their music, or a story from their lips. Unlike a home-taught bard, the Wyrdsmith is able to weave a form of magic with their words, causing all manner of effects depending on what song is played or story is told. They do not require an instrument or any tool for this magic, though most will use whatever instrument they are most comfortable with, and the method by which this magic is used is such a closely-held secret that it is not even speculated upon in Azendipan, on punishment of death.  
The Wyrdsmith can make a dirty truth sound sweeter than all the kindest lies ever could. Only Kings have a tongue so powerful.   That's why they tend not to like us very much.
— Travels with a Wyrdsmith, Anonymous.



A true Wyrdsmith must enroll on a lifetime study at the Wyrdhouse of Azendipan. Only one of these institutions exist in the world, as they alone retain the knowledge of Wyrd magic, though various accounts of historical Wyrdhouses exist in the histories.   Most Wyrdsmiths are born into the Wyrdhouse, which houses the family of any Wyrdsmith living there, and also takes in any Azendipani orphans. Foreign Wyrdsmiths are rare, though the truly talented musician or wordsmith may attempt to enter the Wyrdhouse school by catching the ear of a certified Wyrdsmith, who might then act as their patron and guarantor during their entrance performance test, and then if the test is passed, their later studies.      
Rare image of the Wyrdhouse of Azendipan by Pfeffermin (Using Microsoft Designer)
A Wyrdsmith's Instrument, showing impeccable craftsmanship and beauty by Pfeffermin (Using Microsoft Designer )


The Wyrdhouse and the activities that occur within are a very close-kept secret, and the little known has been taken from the anonymous and controversial novel, Travel with a Wyrdsmith.   The Wyrdsmith Pilgrimage, however, is a well-known part of the Wyrdsmith education, made infamous by the novel, but commonly known about due to the fact it is the only way a person outside the Wyrdhouse might hear from a professional.   The Pilgrimage is taken by the aspiring Wyrdsmith, near the end of their education, and can be compared with that of a 'Masterpiece' in a traditional apprenticeship, where, like ordinary Meistersingers, Minnesingers, Musicians, bards or other music and storytelling professions, the apprentice must create a final piece of work exhibiting all the aspects of their craft learnt during their apprenticeship.   During a Wyrdsmith Pilgrimage, the aspiring apprentice will travel as far and as wide as they are able, to share their talents find inspiration for new works, by following along during great historical events or momentous shifts in culture.

Cover image: A Wyrdsmith entering a Flomish drinking establishment to applause by Pfeffermin (Using Microsoft Designer)


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