"Where to start? The location is critical - somewhere dreary. Somewhere all seems lost. In those places people cling to bright things. On our lonely planet, the one a few people in the Sixth Deadwater Age insisted on calling ‘Tore’ until it stuck, there’s a fair few places I could take you that meet that description..."
— Translator's Note

Welcome to The Toreworld

  Tore - a donut shaped world with two major land continents in it that stretch out towards the inner ring of sharp jutting rocks and ice known as 'The Teeth'. In between, is the huge body of water whimsically named 'The Sky' with a collection of islands in between.   The Toreworld experiences several types of extreme weather phenomena compared to your 'Earth'. From giant floods every five hundred years, to terrible storms, the people of the Toreworld have evolved over a millennia to survive and even thrive in this strange world.   What follows, is the story of how they managed it, and the magic they used to do it.  
  The Toreworld was created to house all of my fantasy novel ideas. It started as a few pieces of lore that I kept written down and spiralled out over the years into an interconnected world and histories. It is very much a Work In Progress - probably always will be, and I'm a newbie to WA so please bear with me - but it's been nice to put it all into a user-friendly format that I can use as my World Bible. Most articles are blank at the moment, and most will contain major spoilers for the novels, but feel free to take a look around. Depending on what you're interested in, I'd suggest beginning with the Home categories, and peter your way through there. Visit the Captain's Log for updates on World Development, goals, plans & general Toreworld chat.   Happy exploring, Traveller.   ~Pfeffermin  
Map of the Toreworld


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Aug 29, 2024 16:26 by Alan Byers

A superb introduction and what a cool little 3D model! I expect great things so hold that follow!   See you around, Alan

Aug 31, 2024 13:43 by mina

Thank you so much! Waking Materia is such a wonderful, gorgeous world I'm honoured that you've given such high praise!!