Now, there's no evidence to say that Shadetown even exists, but if it did, it would be full of the worst murderers, thieves and drunkards imaginable. There's no corralling a mass of the world's waste like that, even if they wanted to. I say, leave it be."You won't find the settlement of Shadetown on any map. Even those who have visited the infamous place and know for certain it exists, cannot be pursuaded to plot a course to it down anywhere it can be read, and keep the route and all its intricate technical directions memorised. No word of its location or its goings on is allowed to breach its docks, upon pain of death or exile. That is the price of entry to Shadetown.
Location under
There is a certain romance to those finding freedom outside the law, turning to piracy and rebellion as a way to define oneself.
Too low they build who build beneath the stars - Edward Young
I very much agree! Thank you so much for all the work you've done for judging this prompt I'm so happy you enjoyed my little article! Have a wonderful day :)