
This article is a Work In Progress. Please have patience while we caulk up all the leaks and re-sew the mainsails, and we'll soon be back to our regularly scheduled sailing!
The Ashlit Lands should only be travelled by a native, and even a fair few of their number die, so I'm told. They keep out the dust and toxins with silk that somehow absorbs the ash and renders it inert. No foreigner would ever be given the secret to the Ash scarf, but it doesn't mean they aren't cool-looking enough for us to want one. Don't let this put you off from visiting, dear reader, for a bite of Astastani cake is every bit worth the perils of travelling there.
— Travels with a Wyrdsmith, Anonymous
    Astastan is a very flat land of steppe and floodplain with magnificent, strange geologic features formed by the hollowing away of the brittle rock of the karst fields that make up the most of the country. Astastanis are a nomadic people, made up of several tribes that come together along the Pilgrim's Road and the coast of the Sea of Alfabr to trade and meet with foreigners. The large subterranean network of caverns formed by centuries of water ersosion means that crossing the steppeland overland can be dangerous to those travellers who don't know the right path to take to avoid sinkholes or weak ground. Routes through the caverns were built underground to avoid the poisonous ash clouds and storms that roll across the steppes, or to account for large migrations of people, or carriages. In Astastani culture, these caverns are sacred, and often used as natural temples or shrines, or banqueting halls built to house the many feasts and banquets that comprise the tradition of wonderful hospitality, especially when it comes to food, in Astastani culture.    


  1. General Info - Astastan
  2. History of Astastan
    • 2.1 Prehistory and antiquity in Astastan
    • 2.2 Protohistory of Astastan
    • 2.3 Foundation and early era of Astastan
    • 2.4 Empires and dynasties of Astastan
    • 2.5 Early modern period in Astastan
    • 2.6 Modern period in Astastan
  3. Geography of Asterstan
  4. Politics of Astastan
    • 4.1 Government of Astastan
      • 4.1.1 Legislative Branch of Astastan
      • 4.1.2 Executive Branch of Astastan
      • 4.1.3 Judiciary Branch of Astastan
    • 4.2 Military of Astastan
    • 4.3 Astastani Foreign relations
    • 4.4 Administrative divisions of Astastan
    • 4.5 Human rights in Astastan
  5. Economy of Astastan
    • 5.1 Tourism of Astastan
    • 5.2 Agriculture of Astastan
    • 5.3 Infrastructure of Astastan
    • 5.4 Energy in Astastan
    • 5.5 Narcotics in Astastan
    • 5.6 Water supply and sanitation in Astastan
  6. Science and technology of Astastan
    • 6.1 Natural Sciences in Astastan
    • 6.2 Modern and Old Scientific Theory in Astastan
    • 6.3 Prominent Astastani Scientists and Texts
    • 6.4 Magic of Astastan
    • 6.5 Alchemy in Astastan
  7. Demographics of Astastan
    • 7.1 Class Structure of Astastan
      • 7.1.1 Aristocracy of Astastan
      • 7.1.2 Prominent families of Astastan
    • 7.2 Religion of Astastan
    • 7.3 Deities of Astastan
    • 7.4 Mythology and Folklore of Astastan
    • 7.5 Languages of Astastan
    • 7.6 Education of Astastan
    • 7.7 Health and Medicine in Astastan
  8. Culture of Astastan
    • 8.1 Astastani Architecture
    • 8.2 Astastani Literature
    • 8.3 Astastani Music
    • 8.4 Astastani Art
    • 8.5 Astastani Cuisine
    • 8.6 Sport and Games of Astastan
    • 8.7 Astastani Theatre
  9. Organisations of Astastan
  10. Notable Astastani people  
Geopolitical, Country
Economic System
Palace economy


Nei Samstrad, by the hand of Laros, has put a lot of effort into building a reliable friendship with Astastan, due to the perfect resources it has for building the city-felling weapons the Samstradians believe they need.


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