
This article is a Work In Progress. Please have patience while we caulk up all the leaks and re-sew the mainsails, and we'll soon be back to our regularly scheduled sailing!
Umqher is a vast desertified land in Northern Meraqia, populated by the nomadic tribes that have lived in the region for milennia. Formed by the federation of these tribes in early 400 BGK, the country is known for its bright fabrics, high red mountains and pink salt-flats. The Tayyad Dynasty that have ruled Umqher on and of for centuries have maintained a strong warlike presence to the country's army and borders; largly due to the frequent battles and skirmishes it has faced during its long history, most nororiously over its sacred spring in Antabalia, the most important place in Euferism, the religion of Umqher and its neighbour Laros follows. The many conflicts known collectively as the Wars of the Oasis that occured between the 5th to 16th Centuries were fought over posession of that sacred spring.  


  1. General Info - Umqher
  2. History of Umqher
    • 2.1 Prehistory and antiquity in Umqher
    • 2.2 Protohistory of Umqher
    • 2.3 Foundation and early era of Umqher
    • 2.4 Empires and dynasties of Umqher
    • 2.5 Early modern period in Umqher
    • 2.6 Tayyad-Kharthemion Empire
    • 2.7 Modern period in Umqher
  3. Geography of Umqher
    • 3.1 Climate of Umqher
    • 3.2 Biodiversity of Umqher
    • 3.3 Geology and morphology of Umqher
    • 3.4 Physical geography of Umqher
  4. Politics of Umqher
    • 4.1 Government of Umqher
      • 4.1.1 Legislative Branch of Umqher
      • 4.1.2 Executive Branch of Umqher
      • 4.1.3 Judiciary Branch of Umqher
    • 4.2 Military of Umqher
    • 4.3 Umqheri Foreign relations
    • 4.4 Antabalia status
    • 4.5 Administrative divisions of Umqher
    • 4.6 Human rights in Umqher
  5. Economy of Umqher
    • 5.1 Tourism of Umqher
    • 5.2 Agriculture of Umqher
    • 5.3 Infrastructure of Umqher
    • 5.4 Energy in Umqher
    • 5.5 Narcotics in Umqher
    • 5.6 Water supply and sanitation in Umqher
  6. Science and technology of Umqher
    • 6.1 Natural Sciences in Umqher
    • 6.2 Modern and Old Scientific Theory in Umqher
    • 6.3 Prominent Scientists and Texts of Umqher
    • 6.4 Magic of Umqher
    • 6.5 Alchemy in Umqher
  7. Demographics of Umqher
    • 7.1 Class Structure of Umqher
      • 7.1.1 Aristocracy of Umqher
      • 7.1.2 Prominent families of Umqher
    • 7.2 Religion of Umqher
    • 7.3 Deities of Umqher
    • 7.4 Mythology and Folklore of Umqher
    • 7.5 Languages of Umqher
    • 7.6 Education of Umqher
    • 7.7 Health and Medicine in Umqher
  8. Culture of Umqher
    • 8.1 Architecture of Umqher
    • 8.2 Literature of Umqher
    • 8.3 Music of Umqher
    • 8.4 Media of Umqher
    • 8.5 Cuisine of Umqher
    • 8.6 Sport and Games of Umqher
    • 8.7 Theatre of Umqher
  9. See also - Umqher
  10. Organisations of Umqher
  11. Notable Umqheri people
  12. Notes - Umqher
  Capital city: Majad   Large cities:   Majad, Il-Zini, Barian   Past leaders:   Shah Faari VI Tayyad    
Geopolitical, Country
Neighboring Nations

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See Also:

Umqheri Languages (Umqherese), History of Umqher (Tayyad-Kharthemion Empire, Wars of the Oasis), Culture of Umqher, Politics of Umqher, Demographics of Umqher (Umqheri Euferism, Umqheri Cuisine)
Geography of Umqher
Bodies of Water (Sea of Alfabr, Antabalian Spring, Lake Bastam, Tenarii Sea, the Sky Ocean) Mountains (Tarragon's Ridge),


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