Mige's Espeon

Mige's Espeon is the first pokemon Mige obtained on in Pokemon: Indigo Chronicles and the series as a whole. It was given to Mige by Bill at Professor Oak's lab. He is notable for being the youngest of his five siblings and being the son of Bill's Espeon and Leafeon. Espeon is often thought of as the mediator and leader of Mige's pokemon throughout The Indigo Chronicles. He is currently at Bill's cottage in Cape Cerulean.


Espeon was the smallest Eevee of the liter. Bill mentions in Eevee - I Choose You! that not only was it the last to hatch but by a large sum of time compared to it's four siblings. Eevee was not only the technically runt-- but also stayed true to the "runt of the liter" term as well. It was notably smaller than the others causing it to be much more shy and quiet but most of all immensely careful. During a flashback in Start of an Indigo Journey Bill explains that Mige's Eevee would always be the last to eat and follow the others due to it's cautious nature. Much later in Ground Control to Major Ron Bill talks about how Mige's Espeon was the closest to it's mother, Bill's Espeon, while the group is sat at the table during Ron and Honudour's adventure.   After being gifted to Mige from Bill, In Eevee - I Choose You!, Eevee took to Mige very quickly. Professor Oak remarked that the two "Seemed like to Swadloons in a pod!" Eevee exhibited it's trainers standoffish nature by usually waiting for others to approach before interacting. Eevee often acted like an "echo" to Mige's emotions usually responding to situations in the same fashion as Mige-- although on occasion Eevee would react similarly to Tim or Jenn in disbelief of Mige's oblivious or off-beat remarks, and as an Espeon would more often fall into the latter.   As an Eevee, Mige decided against keeping him in a pokeball when they first set out from Pallet Town since it had hatched so much more recently that it's siblings. This led to Mige rarely keeping Espeon in their pokeball throughout the series unless it was necessary. This caused Espeon to interact with the character most out of any of Mige's pokemon and arguably any pokemon in The Indigo Chronicles. Despite it's careful, and later quiet, nature Espeon became quick friends with many of Mige's companions including Jenn , Ami , Tim and Lara. While most pokemon needed firm instructions to listen to other trainers Espeon would often listen to Jenn or Tim without Mige informing him to do so.   Espeon is viewed as the leader of Mige's Kanto team and the mediator of his pokemon as a whole. While Espeon is the most agreeable of Mige's pokemon and get's along with all the others at Bill's cottage he has a particularly strong bond with Pidgeot, Arcanine and Hitmontop. While Pidgeot had a semi-rivalry with Eevee after it's capture, presumably remembering to Eevee to be the reason it was caught, he would become docile around Eevee before he even accepted Mige. Espeon also has strong friendships with pokemon belonging to other trainers such as Bill's Espeon, Bill's Raichu (Ron), Jenn's Vaporeon, Tim's Primeape, Tim's Tyranitar and Lara's Eevee.   As a battler Eevee had a notably difficult start with Pidgeotto or Squirtle seemingly being the stronger battlers, however Mige never gave up and would often use Eevee even if the odds were stacked against him. Eevee would often turn around battles that didn't seem like they were in his favor and narrowly come out with a victory, with Mige always refusing to take credit for these moments. As an Espeon he would show more control in battles relying more on instinct than emotion-- a change that was also present in Mige at the time. Sometimes in critical moments during battle Mige and Espeon can communicate with body language as opposed to verbally. Lara points out the first time this is done in Combating the Quiz Master and it also happens in A Cascade Countdown, Last Minute Coach and Friends Through Eternity.  


Espeon has no odd colorations and is considered of average height, weight and overall size for it's species. This was not true when they were an Eevee however. Eevee was a runt not just as a technicality but was also much smaller than it's siblings. It's overall coloration was normal although it had auburn hairs at the tip of it's tail making is stand out from it's siblings. Espeon has shown discomfort with wearing articles of clothing and complains about holding items unless Mige gives it said item-- this is shown in Sights Set on the Celadon Ribbon when Trevor suggests Mige use a ribbon or bandana to spruce up Eevee but Mige refuses knowing that Eevee would find it uncomfortable.



Very little is shown of Eevee before the first episode of The Indigo Chronicles beyond brief asides from bill talking about it and it's relation to his own Espeon and Eevee's siblings. It can be seen Start of an Indigo Journey it is featured in a flashback with Bill telling Mige about how it was always the last to follow the group and can be seen waiting to eat pokechow while it's siblings fight over the large pieces of kibble with Bill's Espeon kindly pushing some kibble towards Mige's Eevee. In the same flashback the liter of Eevee are seen following Bill and his Espeon into the living room of his cottage with two of them play-fighting, one sat like a princess on the sofa and the other watching the tv in a braindead fashion with Mige's Eevee cautiously watching the group from the hallway and slowly patting the floor in front of it before being beckoned to enter by Bill and his Espeon.  

Indigo Chronicles

Series One and Two
In the first episode, Eevee - I Choose You!, Mige is put to the task of going to Rako village to retrieve some pokemon for Professor Oak. When Bill allows him to choose an Eevee to take with him as his first pokemon he meet's the liter. After systematically going through and meeting the group and giving quick responses to them (He seems aggressive, she seems high-maintenance, he seems....umm....ditzy, she seems hyper) he finally meets the Eevee that would become his and responds with a simple "Oh-- he's perfect." after looking at the small Eevee staying near to corner of the pen. Despite Bill's warning that Eevee is particularly nervous and shy he seems content with Mige picking him up straight out of the pen.   Mige and Eevee would travel up route one together. Mige would talk to Eevee as if he was another human which may have confused him but if anything it made the little evolution pokemon more comfortable with the trainer. The two would struggle on their first time adventuring together. Mige suggested they find another pokemon to capture incase they ran into trouble. After accidentally knocking out a sandshrew and failing to capture a rattata they would come across a territorial Pidgeotto, which they mainly fought out of self-defense. With little choice and not wanting his Eevee to get hurt Mige would attempt to capture the bird pokemon before it knocked out his new friend-- which would lead to Mige's first capture.   Eevee would battle against his oldest brother, Sammy's Eevee in Start of an Indigo Journey and loss by a large margin. Despite losing Mige was still proud of his new friend and insured him that he always would be. This causes Eevee to rarely beat itself up over a loss much like it's trainer. Despite this his feelings towards his older brother begin to emulate that of Mige's feelings towards Sammy; annoyance.   Eevee participated in Mige's first tournament, the Pewter City Rumble, where trainers would enter two pokemon each and battle in a bracket style tournament. Eevee would be chosen alongside Marill. It is here that Eevee would meet Tim and his Mankey but also secure the victory in the final round after defeating Tim's Mankey.   Eevee would be used in Mige's battle against Brock in The Pidgeotto Predicament though he would be defeated by his Onix. Eevee would later be present with Mige during his training with the Strange Old Timer (Flint) and constantly pushing itself to stay awake and watch as Mige tirelessly works all night to become more "in-sync" with Pidgeotto.   In The Backpack Thievery Tycoon Eevee and Tim's Mankey would have a short rivalry and struggle to work together to fight the brutal horde of Jigglypuff led by a sinister Wigglytuff. When the group get splits up Eevee finds itself with Tim and the two look for Mige and Mankey. Eevee does it's best to defend Tim from the Jigglypuff despite him not knowing what moves Eevee knows. When Eevee and Mige reunite they team up with Tim and Mankey and the two pokemon work together to take down Wigglytuff and have been great friends since.   In Rematch at Cape Cerulean: Eevee Versus Eevee! Eevee is the first pokemon Mige uses against Sammy in the three on three battle. Despite losing again it does manage to stay quick on it's feet and dodge it's brothers attacks for some time-- though one heavy hitting attack is all it took to take Eevee out of the battle. Eevee rolls his eyes in tandem with Mige when Sammy goes on about "Mige's improvement."   In Reign of the Water Flowers Eevee is used in both battles against Violet. While it loses to her Seel in the first match is manages to beat it in the second match-- marking Eevee's first win in a gym battle. Despite this Eevee is knocked out by a Wooper after taking down Seel. Eevee was present for the third match against Violet although Mige would choose Pidgeotto as his one pokemon thus Eevee would spend the match cheering on his friends.   Eevee is not used as one of Mige's three pokemon in Lt. Surge's tournament but is used in battle against him in The Lightning Lieutenant Part II. Eevee would manage to take down the Jolteon that took down the rest of Mige's team of three used for the match and was doing quite well against Surge's Raichu. Despite this he was taken down with a body slam ending the battle. Eevee dodging Raichu's attack and preparing a quick attack was drawn by Ace and given to Mige as a christmas gift-- which is framed alongside a shelf of Mige's memorabilia from his journeys in Kanto.   Mige would choose to use Eevee in the battle rounds of the Celadon Contest in Sights Set on the Celadon Ribbon and despite making it past the first round would lose to Rodney's Zangoose in the top 8.   Eevee would lose to Naomi's Aipom in Nothing Boring Bout' Blank. Despite being knocked out Mige would have Jenn use a revive on Eevee and have him sit with her and spectate the rest of the match. Eevee would cheer on Mige alongside Jenn, Staryu and Pikachu.   Eevee would be the final pokemon Mige uses in his third battle against Tim in Saffron Sweet Saffron and would easily over power Exeggcute and out speed Mankey causing Mige to be the victor. This would be the second time Eevee is the last pokemon used in a battle against Tim and wins the battle for Mige.   Eevee and Mankey exchange berries on A Dashing Delibird Day!   During The Southern Aurora Eevee is following Mige as he wandering the snowy streets of Saffron and tries to cheer him up due to his sour mood in regards to being unable to talk with Jenn. Eevee is perched on Mige's shoulder when he notices Suicune watching Mige and his team. Later Eevee is used to fight a hiker and his incredibly large Snorlax. The two have a one-on-one match and Eevee manages to use the snow as a burrowing system to out-speed the big snorlax and claims the victory.   In the follow up episode The Snow Blossom Bout Eevee does not participate in the battle against Erika but instead stands next to Will who acts as the referee. Eevee also jumps about excitedly when Growlithe evolves in Arcanine.


Eevee is one of the only pokemon Mige elects to take with him to Sinnoh, along with Pidgeotto and Arcanine. It is notably the only of the three pokemon taken to accept Pachirisu with open arms when it is first captured as Arcanine and Pidgeotto find the little electric squirrel's brash and strong personality somewhat aggravating at first.   While wandering around the Eterna forest Eevee begins to evolve-- although it is interrupted as Mige begins to question Eevee if it's what it really wants. The evolution is unsuccessful and later Bill reveals that their are stories of pokemon changing into Leafeon in the forest.   During the battle outside Snowpoint Temple Mige chooses Eevee to be his battling partner and mid battler Eevee begins to evolve into Espeon while Tim's Mankey evolves into Primeape. Espeon stands proudly next to Primeape after the two evolved. Espeon is surprised when Mige elects to take Squirtle with him into the temple instead.   Espeon would reunite with Mige when Jenn returns his trainer belt to him and be used to battle Sonny alongside Pidgeotto, Arcanine, Squirtle, Pachirisu and Buizel.

Indigo Chronicles

Series 3 Espeon is the first pokemon Mige uses in the 6 V 1 Mige has against Bill's Venusaur in Stopping the Seed Pokemon Champion. As per usually Espeon is given a revive to watch the rest of the match with Jenn after Venusaur defeats him. Espeon notably spends a lot fo time watching the ocean with Mige before departing with Jenn to Saffron City.   Mige uses Espeon against Will in Trouble for Tyrogue. Despite the match not being conclusive Espeon and Xatu spend most of the episode by their trainers sides and becoming friends. Espeon and Xatu both show an extreme love for Mige's homemade pita chips and the two go to high lengths to sneak some more when Will and Mige are distracted throughout the episode.   Espeon is used first in Mige's battle against Wendy fore the Aero badge in Aiming for Aero and loses to her Fearow.   Espeon would be the final pokemon used in Mige's rematch against Surge during The Lightning Lieutenant Returns! Rematch at Vermillion...Beach? Not only defeating Surges Jolteon again but also gaining a victory on his Raichu.   Espeon would be integral to helping Mige and Jenn find Koga's gym in Finding the Foe as it helps Mige follow his instincts through the Fuchsia wild lands. Espeon would also participate in the final match-up of the battle against Koga's Muk. Although Muk was almost taken down-- Espeon would end up losing to the sludge pokemon.   Similar to the previous gym battle Mige would use Espeon as his last pokemon against Blaine in Combating the Quiz Master. However Espeon and Mige would show synchronicity in this battle unlike they've ever done before with Mige using a series of head nods to communicate with Espeon during the climax of the battle. Despite Magmar showing dominance of the field and preventing any of Espeons attacks from connecting-- once Mige and Espeon began truly being in sync with one another the battle turned around and Espeon and Mige won the Volcano badge.   In A Cascade Countdown Espeon and Pidgeot would be the two pokemon Mige select to fight against Daisy. Lapras and Starmie are truly a force to be reckoned with but Mige begins using commands through body language with the two throwing off Daisy for a moment and while he only called for slight maneuvers and dodges and still vocally called for attacks-- it was enough to push his first two pokemon to victory.   In the final match of the Indigo Chronicles Espeon faces off against Bill's Leafeon-- revealed to be Espeon's father. The match is a tough one but ultimately Espeon wins. Espeon is present alongside Mige, Bill and their pokemon when they watch the sunset at the edge of the cliff overlooking the ocean.

Indigo Conference Victors

Shit I'll do this later.

New Horizons

In A New Horizon Espeon can be seen during a opening montage of Mige's life after the Indigo league. Scenes of Espeon waking up next to Mige, following him around the cottage, the two watching Mige's other pokemon play and cause trouble, Espeon overseeing Mige work on his scooter and following Mige back to bed are all seen. Later when Mige is forced to go on the S.S. Anne with Bill he opts to take Espeon with him as his one permitted pokemon.   Espeon battles, and loses, against Jenn's Vaporeon before Jenn leaves to go to Unova. Espeon is sad to see Jenn go but is even more upset when Mige and Pidgeot say their goodbyes to the rest of Mige's pokemon. Despite Espeon's sadness they hold back tears and instead focus on trying to console Squirtle, Hitmontop and Golem.   Espeon is present on the video call Mige makes to Bill in Battle of the Bug Badge and happily greets him alongside Pachirisu, Hitmontop, Golem and Squirtle when Bill let's Mige's pokkemon know Mige is on the phone.   In The Crystal Cave during the foul visions Mige is given by Runerigus he sees his Espeon as an elderly Espeon sat staring at the ocean and waiting for him to return


  • Espeon currently holds the record of pokemon with most appearances in the series at 114 episodes and one special.
  • Espeon is the first of Bill's Espeon's liter to be given a new trainer.
  • Espeon is Mige's first pokemon to evolve via friendship.
  • Espeon is also Mige's first pokemon to be able to evolve via a stone although it did not evolve using said method.
  • Espeon is Mige's first of two pokemon to change natures upon evolving. The other is Hitmontop.
  • Of all of Mige's pokemon Espeon has received move tutoring the most at a total of four times.
  • Eevee is the first pokemon to defeat it's evolved form, as he defeated Lt. Surge's Jolteon in The Lightning Lieutenant Part II
  • Espeon has been used in 3 of the 5 battles Mige and Tim had. Espeon has won two of these battles and is always the last pokemon Mige uses.
  • Espeon is shown to have an extreme fondness of pita chips.
Nickname: N/A
First Appearance: Eevee - I Choose You!
Obtained in: Eevee - I Choose You!
Evolves in: Pokemon: Godfall
Gender: Male
Nature: Quiet
Current Location: Bill's Cottage