Tamara Character in Theras | World Anvil

Tamara (tuh-MAH-ruh)

Tamara is the dragon goddess of life, light, mercy, and forgiveness. She is the consort of Bahamut, and is commonly worshiped alongside Lendys and Bahamut.

Holy Books & Codes

The Elysian Word, is a book most sacred to the followers of Tamara.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Clergy, Temples and Worshippers

Draconic Followers
Tamara receives the majority of her reverence from brass and copper dragons, along with other lesser species aligned with neutral good, although many lawful good dragons of diverse hues and types venerate her as Bahamut's consort.   Tamara's followers are renowned for their peaceful and compassionate nature, yet they exhibit no reluctance to confront evil or oppression when necessary.   Clerics devoted to Tamara serve as both healers and executors of justice, ensuring that those who attempt to evade their rightful demise face the consequences. They actively strive to eradicate undead throughout the realms, especially those of draconic origin.  
Non Draconic-Followers
After converging with Sarenrae in 1,045 AB, there was a huge surge in worship by non-draconic, espacially in Araso-Lond and Ultok Rojag and among Arasilisch and Neo-Ordosi.   Many of the followers of Tamara join together with Agonis' followers in hospitals in order to increase their studies of medicine. While Agonis believers are considered to be the best healers, those of the Tamarian fate, are considered to be second best and soon to be even greater.   Tamara's followers include celestial beings such as aasimon, baku, foo creatures, guardinals, hollyphants, moon dogs, phoenixes, and sunflies. Her favor is demonstrated through acts of nurturing, the presence of mothers, young, and expectant creatures, the discovery of heliodor, mother-of-pearl, scapra, and sunstone, and the illumination of locations by warm sunbeams, even in overcast conditions. Conversely, her disfavor is indicated by the finding of crushed reptilian and avian eggshells (excluding dragon eggs), phantom cries of hatchling dragons, and an abrupt, chilling obstruction of sunlight, regardless of atmospheric conditions.  
Temples dedicated to Tamara often serve dual purposes, functioning as both places of worship and centers for healing, care, and support. Patients afflicted with terminal illnesses are tended to with compassion and dignity, and their passing is regarded as a release from the burdens of life, bringing a sense of relief and peace.  
Tamara's followers commemorate various life events such as births, resurrections, and final farewells. These occasions serve as opportunities to honor Tamara's kindness, compassion, and the tranquility she brings.   Many of Tamara's missions revolve around thwarting schemes orchestrated by Falazure and center on the eradication of undead, particularly those of draconic origin. Their prayers are vibrant expressions of gratitude for illumination and vitality.

Tenets of Faith

Tamara holds dear the preservation of life and joy above all else. Embracing mercy in both life and death, she not only heals the afflicted and comforts the wounded but also provides a compassionate release to dragons approaching the end of their natural journeys. She vehemently opposes any efforts to unnaturally prolong a dragon's life, particularly if it contradicts their wishes.   Tamara's dragon worshippers followed the Ptarian Code, a draconic code of honor created by the gold dragon Ptaris in the ancient past. Originally intended as a code of conduct for the lords who attended the King of Justice, the Ptarian Code eventually was adopted by many gold and silver dragons.
Expand the Ptarian Code
The Ptarian Code is similar to the codes of chivalry adopted by knightly orders of humanity. It includes paying homage to Lendys, as well to the draconic deities Bahamut and Tamara. The major precepts are:   Justice and Good above all.
Honor and Fealty to the King.
Honor and Respect to Righteous Innocence.
Honor and Duty to the Balancer (Lendys), to Her Mercy (Tamara), and to the Justicemaker (@Bahamut).
Honor and Protection to the Lesser Races.
Honor and Correction to the Enemies of Justice and Good.
Honor and Forbearance for oneself.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

In her inherent form, Tamara manifests as a sizable, wingless platinum dragon adorned with polished scales, slightly smaller in stature compared to Lendys. She emits a soothing aura of warmth and affection, her gaze akin to the radiant brilliance of the sun itself.  
Tamara predominantly materializes through an explosion of white-yellow light enveloping a being in a luminous embrace. Additionally, she exhibits minor manifestations characterized by fleeting bursts of light that bestow effects akin to healing spells such as cure light wounds, cure serious wounds, cure critical wounds, heal, neutralize poison, or cure disease upon a recipient. Moreover, she may appear as a sphere of platinum luminescence guiding a devotee out of perilous situations or toward young dragons requiring safeguarding. Those who disregard the latter manifestation risk invoking Tamara's retribution.

Personality Characteristics


Tamara epitomizes compassion and benevolence among the draconic pantheon. Some misinterpret her kindness as a flaw, but those who make such a miscalculation seldom live to repeat it


Contacts & Relations

Like most of the dragon deities, Tamara is considered to be a child of Io.
  It should be noted that Tamara is exteremly abhorrent to those of the Andorian Church and even those of Chronepsis and The Raven Queen, consider her practice of returning fallen people to life to be somewhat sacrilegious.
Her Beneficence;
Her Mercy;
The Dracolady of Light;
The Life-Giver;
The Endless Merciful Road;
Divine Classification
Neutral Good
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Related Myths
Ruled Locations
Home Plane
Subservient Deities
Forgiveness, Healing, Life, Mercy
Community (Cooperation, Home, Lughnasadh), Good, Healing, Glory, Magic (Divine), Protection, Sclaykind (Dragon), Sun (Day, Revelation)
A seven-pointed star on a field of black
Good Dragons, healers, those who desired mercy, farmers, redeemed evil-doers, Mid-wives, Nurses, Doctors, Necromancers and Conjurers, Monks
Worshipper's Alignments

Favored Weapon
Scimitar (Claw) or Quarterstaff
Holy Days

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