Adhmadoíte Geographic Location in Theras | World Anvil


Adhmadoíte is the central lordship of Sabersycha, ruled by House Lugaid. It is the agricultural center of the principality, and provides crops for the other lordships; since the dissolution of House Colcamin in 893 and the The Clochdor Curse taking hold of the land, Adhmadoíte had to provide much less food, allowing both it and the principality as a whole to grow in other areas.


Adhmadoíte held a vast forest in the past, which was partially cleared in order to turn the area into the agricultural center of the prinicipality. The vast majority (over 80%) of the area cleared is used for farming in current times, with over half of the farmlands belonging to the Adhmadoíte Pentagonal Fields.
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