Oath of Edrahil Document in Theras | World Anvil

Oath of Edrahil

Mine honor is my life; both grow in one: Take honor from me, and my life is done. By Blood and Honor we Serve.


The purpose of the code is to instill a moral system that is expected of every official and knight in the kingdom, as the Code of High Justice that Bahamut asks his followers.

Document Structure


To ride abroad redressing wrongs,
To speak no slander, no, nor listen to it,
To honor his own word as if his god's,
To lead sweet lives in purest chastity,
To love one maiden only
And worship by years of noble deeds

Legal status

This is the binding law of Arasil, it also states several laws and paragraphs about statuory requirments and procedures.

Historical Details


The Oath was said in a kind of prophecy and literature by the disciples of Edrahil, one of the most influential knights who came to the agreements and the treaty and alliance between the Arasilians and many of the metallic and good dragons in Rakion by the beginning of Bafigron Empire's founding around (0 AB).

Public Reaction

It should be noted that this oath was not accepted by the house of Arasil and the kingdom in the making as it was most demanding and many of the Arasilians found in encumbersome and they didn't see the fault in their ways.   However, the dragon riders of Arasil had to take those oath and as such, slowly, after 200 years, this code became the de-facto way of life of the Arasil, thus becoming ratified in 149 by the High Justice King of Arasil.
Oral Tradition / Word of Mouth
Authoring Date
67 BB
Ratification Date
110 AB


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