Battle of Eallard Stronghold Military Conflict in Theras | World Anvil

Battle of Eallard Stronghold

The Battle of Eallard Stronghold was a battle that took place in Eallard Stronghold on Bazingadil of 1050 AB between the Diarchy of Peraserasia and the Yokun Empire. Following a short siege, the battle ended with a slaugther of the Prasri army and eventually lead to the abdication of sovereignity by the diarchess.

The Conflict


The Silk Yotsereg deployed 10,000 soldiers in plain site (refered to as Fodder Force, of whom a detachment of 1,000 levies were stationed as bait in front of the stronghold, and the remaining 9,000 levies and Diilenkharis camped and stationed in plain sight of the stronghold, half a mile away from the bait detachment. The rest of the yotsereg, amounting to 38,000-39,000 soldiers excluding the Jargakhaasi, was divided into two forces that were laying in ambush behind the surronding hills; the jargakhaasi were tasked with ensuring that they were completely obscured by terrain. Five jargakhaasi units were spread throughout the area, providing vision and serving as fast maneuverable forces.   The vast majority of the Peraserasian forces were camped within the fortress, ready for immediate movement and engagement; the remaining forces were camped outside the stronghold within Peraserasian territory.

The Engagement

Taking the bait, the Peraserasian forces launched arrow volleys killing hundreds of Yokun soldiers in mere moments. The inexperienced levies were terrified by the deaths, and the Diilenkharis began feigning a retreat, stirring the levies into an actual retreat. This retreat lured out the forces from outside the stronghold, unaware of the true size of the Yotsereg. Minutes after they caught up to the retreating forces, they were enveloped by the forces laying in ambush, which comprised of over two thirds of Yokun forces. As the northern force became visible by the Prasri army a lone Jargakhaas, a warleader named Ebegei Chogeris, managed to charge into the fray unnoticed and decapitated Gowyr Neg Carodan; this immediately caused a route. However, the superior Yokun cavalry cut off any retreat with Jargakhaasi units patrolling to catch any soldier who managed to escape the slaughter. The gates of the undermanned stronghold were breached by battering rams and it was quickly claimed as the stronghold's remaining defenders were overwhelmed, outnumbered more than 5 to 1.


Besides losing control of the keep, Peraserasia virtually lost its entire army; out of the 40,000 soldiers deployed by the diarchy, 30,000 died in the battle. All but one (namely Rhodduw y Morthwyl) experienced military commanders were killed, and every single house in the Circle of Nobles lost its Master at Arms. With their morale shattered and their army all but annihilated, the circle voted on surrendering to the empire. Notable objections to the vote were of Lord Rhoddeu y Morthwyl (who lost his firstborn son) and Lord Draigudd Adainerdd; the Innkeepers Guild of Panta also voiced their opposition to becoming a dependent state.


Losing the battle had disastrous repercussions for the diarchy. Deprived of all military forces and completely defenseless, the Great Lady Eurolwyn Neg Arodol willingly surrendered before God King Biylhosten Ashnokovy, making the Diarchy of Peraserasia a dependent protectorate of the Yokun Empire. Moreover, this increased the vulnerability of the neighboring Principality of Sabersycha by enabling an invasion from the east as well as establishing a lateral logistical corridor for the empire in the south.

Battle Map

Battle of Eallard Stronghold
Included under Conflict
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
Arn-Wint 1050 AB
Ending Date
6th of Coppernium 1050 AB
Conflict Result
Overwhelming defeat; Eallard Stronghold breached; Peraserasia annexed.





30,000, including Highlord Gowyr and the vast majority of Peraserasian military commanders.


Breach Eallard Stronghold
Maintain control over Eallard Stronghold and prevent invasion into the diarchy


Many poems and songs were written on the cataclysmic loss, none as popular as "Tower of Two":  
The Highlord has fallen and Eallard was calling
For the soldiers to come back to their homes
Oh their path was then broken by thousands of hooves
And they had a long journey for their wives
Father and son were stricken by axes
Brothers and friends were killed with a sword
The great lady awaited to face her loss
Alone in a tower of two.
  1. The phrase "face her loss" is a play on words alluding to Eurolwyn Neg Arodol being presented with the head of Gowyr Neg Carodan, who died in the battle.
  2. Another version of the song ends with "The ladies awaited from the balconies for their husbands and sons / And only horses returned".


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