Diancastra Character in Theras | World Anvil

Diancastra (DI-on-CAS-tra)

Diancastra, the demigoddess of wit and pleasure, stands as a minor trickster deity within the Giant Pantheon. Her ascent to divinity was secured through her audacity, cunning, and penchant for revelry.   Diancastra roams the planes without tether, her abode transient and ever-changing. She thrives on intellect, unravelling enigmas and bringing mirth to dour sages. Her quest for knowledge spans the realms of illusion, bardic magic, esoteric tales, and comely companions. Over time, Diancastra has garnered recognition as a minor deity of fertility among the benign giantfolk, invoked by those seeking blessings for their romantic unions. The offspring of such unions, known ominously as "Diancastra's brood," often inherit her mischievous spirit and strong-willed nature. It was only following the divine conflicts of the 10th century that her following began to swell, marking the emergence of her first priests among both humans and giants.   Diancastra's emergence as a nascent deity of fertility among the non-evil giant races is a gradual process, invoked by those desiring her blessings for their unions. The resulting offspring, dubbed "Diancastra's brood", often inherit her spirited demeanor and willful disposition. Despite this burgeoning recognition, her cult remains relatively small, with a scarcity of dedicated priests and shamans.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Clergy, Temples and Worshippers

As a spirited and dynamic deity, Diancastra holds the greatest allure for the rebellious or carefree youth among the Jotunbrud, particularly those from established firbolg and storm giant societies. Her adherents are viewed as mischief-makers and revelers, who consistently inject society with joy and merriment, though they are not perceived as malevolent. While her priests and devotees are valued for the tales and excitement they bring during their travels, they are also regarded as negative influences on local giantish youth. Driven by a thirst for new experiences and knowledge, they are drawn to even the most distant of giant tribes by rumors of such encounters. They possess a deep appreciation for literary and historical works, as well as poetry, and make it a point to visit any place of learning they come across, following a visit to the local tavern or festhall. They are warmly received by the clergy of Stronmaus, Hiatea, and Thrym, though only the priests of Karontor show hostility towards them. The followers of Memnor hold a deep disdain for Diancastra's adherents, albeit veiling it subtly through remarks about their adverse influence on youth, rendering them unwelcome in some cloud giant communities. Moreover, the followers of the Wanton Wanderer often find hospitality in communities of elves, humans, and halflings familiar with her priesthood.  
Day-to-Day Activities
The majority of Diancastra's clergy are nomads, journeying from one place to another in search of novel experiences. They delight in indulging in earthly pleasures like food, drink, music, and games, while also possessing a keen interest in literature and the acquisition of forgotten knowledge. The mere whisper of a hidden trove of books or scrolls, or the mention of wizards hoarding arcane secrets, can easily spur them into action, driven by the desire to unearth such treasures. Outgoing by nature, they eagerly share their wisdom and encounters with those they encounter along their travels. Often serving as messengers between different giant tribes, they seldom carry sealed messages, as they abhor the notion of hoarding knowledge. Instead, they take pleasure in outwitting those who cling to hidden lore, gleefully exposing their secrets to the world and often making them appear foolish in the process. While they may lack the single-minded focus of sages, they possess a broad spectrum of knowledge, particularly in the realm of rumors, and many are well-read individuals. Notably, many professional escorts who venerate the Wanton Wanderer possess the ability to stimulate their patrons' minds as profoundly as their bodies.   Temples dedicated to Diancastra are a rare, with many priests remaining wanderers even into old age. Those few temples that do exist are often splendid structures adorned with vibrant colors and decorations, frequently serving multiple purposes such as taverns, entertainment venues, gaming halls, or libraries. Although not every establishment in a giantish community may double as a temple, it's uncommon to find one without at least a shrine dedicated to the Pleasureseeker in some corner of the building.  
Priestly Vestments
During ceremonies, the Wanton Wanderer clergy wear comfortable yet elegant attire, often silk or supple leather. Each selects garments to match personal taste, with a preference for vibrant colors and sea-green accents. Delicate jewelry is favored, avoiding heavy adornments. Hairstyles prioritize comfort, and some clergy members opt for revealing attire in taverns. The holy symbol varies but typically includes shades of bluish-green, with priests encouraged to create their own. Accessories like sashes and necklaces with gemstones are common.   When embarking on adventures, Diancastra's clergy opt for comfortable attire crafted from soft leather or suede, often eschewing armor entirely, particularly in climates where such attire would be uncomfortable. However, they may don armor when journeying in areas fraught with danger, prioritizing safety over comfort. During periods of respite from travel, they display a fondness for fashionable clothing and jewelry that accentuates their best features, frequently favoring silks and other luxurious materials if within their means.  
Novices under Diancastra's tutelage are dubbed the Sheltered, while full priests are honored as Seekers of Pleasure. Amongst the clergy, equality reigns supreme, devoid of formal hierarchy. However, settled temples institute their own ranking systems, with distinct titles and advancement protocols. Those with specialized roles are referred to as Delectants.  
The priesthood of Diancastra does not adhere to formal holy days but finds cause for celebration in various events. Births are particularly revered, as each new experience and learning opportunity is cherished. They often visit the children they welcomed into the world, reveling in their stories and growth. Similarly, the transition of a child into adulthood is marked with festivities, recognizing the newfound independence and the wealth of experiences it brings. These celebrations are highly individualized, reflecting the preferences of the clergy and the community.

Tenets of Faith

  • Fortune favours the bold, never miss a chance to demonstrate your worth.
  • A perfect day is a day where one can help other people with pursuit of happiness.
  • Trick once in a while, it always does open door for adventures.
  • The essence of life is pleasure, never miss a chance to live life to the fullest.
  • The young are the future, take care of them and nurture them in your teaching and adventurers, when permitted.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Manifesting in various guises and guiles, Diancastra embodies versatility, from a lithe elven maiden to a towering giantess. Yet, amidst her transformations, two constants persist: her green-flecked amber eyes and the sea-green streak adorning her left shoulder blade. Often accompanied by a mystical owl, she exudes impudence and conceit. Employing a blend of mockery and illusion, she often bests her adversaries by goading them into irrational fury before ensnaring them within her deceptions. Reveling in earthly delights, she indulges in excessive drinking.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Diancastra traces her lineage to the progenitor deity Annam and a mortal Giant, likely stemming from the stock of storm giants or cloud giants. Unlike her half-sister Hiatea, who ascended to godhood through valorous deeds on the battlefield, Diancastra's path to divinity was paved with cunning and ingenuity rather than martial prowess. Tasked by her father to circumnavigate the globe within an hour, she ingeniously circumvented the challenge by traversing a depiction of the world torn from one of Stronmaus's atlases. Some speculate that Annam acquiesced to this clever stratagem because he viewed Diancastra's wit and humor as the potential antidote to his despondency and ennui. Among her other half-siblings are Grolantor, Iallanis, Karontor, Skoraeus Stonebones, Stronmaus, Surtr, and Thrym. Occasional references also link her to Memnor and Vaprak.   Diancastra's exploits are manifold and legendary. She has pilfered a magical necklace from Blibdoolpoolp, absconded with spellbooks from a demigod servitor of Surtr, emerged triumphant from a drinking contest at the Seelie Court (where she received tutelage as a bard), and unravelled the enigmatic puzzles of Lyzandred. Deep Sashelas, with whom she shared an intimate relationship, bestowed upon her her distinctive sea-green mark and the ability to breathe underwater. Her romantic entanglements often serve as opportunities for acquiring knowledge or material possessions from her partners.

Personality Characteristics


The legendary stories recounting Diancastra's early years unveil various facets of the cunning giantess's personality. Fearless to the verge of recklessness, she displays impudence and a hint of arrogance, yet she meticulously plans her actions and adeptly conceals her true intentions. She delights in baiting arrogant adversaries to provoke them into traps, particularly those of illusion. Additionally, she indulges in earthly delights and sensual pleasures, often imbibing in excess, leveraging these enjoyments to advance her own agenda further.


Contacts & Relations

Diancastra is the offspring of Annam and a mortal Giant, commonly believed to be of cloud or storm giant lineage, akin to her elder sister Hiatea.   Diancastra is inclined to bestow her affections upon males who reward her with skills, knowledge, and magic. The sea-green mark on Diancastra's shoulder was bestowed by Deep Sashelas, the god of The Seldarine, who granted her the ability to breathe underwater; as she departed from his watery realm, he reached out to touch her with an exhausted hand.   Similar to his interactions with other gods, Masech was known to assume the guise of Diancastra on occasion, appropriating offerings intended for her.
The Wanton Wanderer;
The Ever Midwife;
The Jestful Journeymaid;
The Trickster Titaness;
The Lievely Lady of Laughter;
Divine Classification
Lesser Power
Chaotic Good
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Home Plane
Subservient Deities
Trickery, wit, impudence, pleasure, Fertility, Love
Charm (Love), Community, Good, Luck (Gambling, Imagination), Liberation, Travel, Trickery (Deception, Espionage, Innuendo)
A Sea-green Streak
Sirilian Bards, Giants, Sirilian entertainers
Worshipper's Alignments

Favored Weapon
Holy Days


The tenets of Diancastra's teachings are not inherently suited to martial or monastic institutions. Nevertheless, her clergy occasionally find themselves informally guiding associations of professional escorts, thieves, bards, and scribes within expansive or urbanized giant communities, and on rarer occasions, among societies not predominantly composed of giants.


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