Iallanis Character in Theras | World Anvil

Iallanis (EE-uh-lan-is)

Iallanis is the gentle deity of the giants, embodies peace and mercy, symbolized by a flower garland. She represents the ideal of love among giant communities, nurturing the aspiration for universal harmony and the belief that love and peace can prevail among all beings.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Clergy, Temples and Worshippers

Among Giants
Iallanis took care of the the domain of fertility of Annam All-Father and has cultivated a modest yet expanding following across numerous realms. Her adherents include cloud and storm giants, select firbolg communities, a few voadkyn, and she is also revered by stone giants for her beauty and kindness. Particularly in the Ice Spires, she is venerated among stone, cloud, storm giants, and giant-kin. Although the loxo's druids and clerics primarily worship Hietea, focusing on their deity's vision, some also admire an aspect of Iallanis—possibly a masculine one—for its strength and healing prowess, with clerics sometimes honoring both deities.   Iallanis's priesthood is open to all benevolent beings, welcoming any true giant and including more giant-kin than any other giant deity. However, it is worth mentioning that only those priests or shamans in a joyous marriage may ascend to higher positions within her clergy.    
Among Sirilisch
The Sirilisch people represent a unique deviation in giant worship, viewing Iallanis as a leading goddess of mercy in their territory, acknowledging her significant role in aiding the Sirilians.   The Sirilisch, aswell as the giants, see Iallanis her as the primary goddess of Helena, attributing all beauty to her and shunning Helenis from their territory.   The Sirilisch also make a habit of having a priest or a priestess of Iallanis everytime negotiation is required, or perhaps a peace offering.   The Church of Sirilisch and Giants is mostly at odds with the other followers, since they often try to negotiate peace with the Kingdom of Arasil.  
Priests of Iallanis make it a point to bless any meal or gift they receive. They also officiate the majority of weddings among Jotunbrud and Sirilians, extending this practice even in cases where other deities' priests are present or when the giants are of an evil nature. Every year, on the first day of spring, they gather in a giant steading for a grand festivity. At the climax of this celebration, a wedding is often conducted, considered such a prestigious event that prominent figures from Jotunbrud society or Sirilians might postpone their weddings to coincide with this springtime celebration.  
Priestly Vestments
During ceremonies, the priesthood dons high-quality garments in shades of green. Women of the clergy are seen in short dresses, while men opt for blouses paired with kilts, often adorned with vibrant floral embroidery. Hair styles are chosen based on personal taste, with many women in the priesthood preferring long locks. All followers, regardless of gender, embellish their hair with floral garlands and wear simple, yet stylish, bracelets or anklets.   The sacred symbol of the priesthood is a flower depicted in a stylized form, crafted from metals, stone, or depicted on stone discs through painting or carving. Novices typically create their own holy symbol upon advancement to full priesthood. These symbols can be received as gifts but are never to be bought or specifically ordered. In certain tribes, creating and gifting such a symbol to a new priest is a cherished honor, believed to attract Iallanis’s blessing of profound and enduring love to the maker. It is also a custom in some tribes to pass on the holy symbols of those who have retired or passed away to new members of the clergy.   Priests of Iallanis generally stay within their tribes, seldom traveling alone. On the rare occasions they do venture out, they prefer light armor such as leather to maintain mobility. Their attire, reflective of their tribal origins and often featuring floral patterns, is complemented by flowers worn in their hair, either as single blooms or garlands. The clergy favors non-lethal means of defense, typically wielding staves or other non-lethal weapons.  
The priesthood of the Floral Giant designs temples that harmonize seamlessly with the natural landscape, often enveloped and bordered by lush vegetation and vibrant, aromatic blooms. Shrines in her honor are crafted as exquisite, living structures of flowering trees, magically maintained to bloom and thrive throughout the year, irrespective of the seasons. Adorned with delicate art pieces and sculptures created by priests of both current and past eras, these shrines are positioned within giant settlements' public spaces, accessible to all community members for visits and the hosting of public ceremonies. Significant gatherings in devotion to Iallanis take place in the midst of nature's splendor, particularly within meadowlands rich in wildflowers, though any scenic natural setting, especially in regions lacking meadows, serves as a fitting backdrop for worship.

Tenets of Faith

  • Create and nurture beauty in all forms, from artwork and crafts to gardens.
  • Maintain harmony among giants and humans alike, acting as a bridge between diverse peoples.
  • Offer mercy and forgiveness to those in need, prioritizing compassion in all interactions.
  • Work alongside all creatures of good intent, seeking to uplift and support one another.
  • Endeavor to guide every giant towards a path of goodness, integrating them into a community of benevolence.
  • Place the honor of the gods first, with the exception that the honor of mercy surpasses even that, followed by the appreciation of beauty.
  • Ensure that every action, whether noble or ill, receives its due acknowledgment and consequence.
  • Recognize that passion springs from life itself, and that true strength is the foundation of kindness.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Iallanis manifests as a strikingly elegant giantess with a fair complexion, whose height fluctuates between a modest 13 feet (4 meters) to a towering 25 feet (7.6 meters). She is adorned in a vibrant, short green gown, embellished with blossoming flowers. True to the characteristics of deities associated with love, her avatar is notably identified by her bare legs and feet.  


Iallanis occasionally communicates with her devotees through gentle signs, such as the wafting of sweet aromas (commonly of flowers), the soft chime of wind chimes, the appearance of uncommon blossoms, and other similar, soothing indicators.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Iallanis became acquainted with the challenges facing giantkind during her adolescence, assuming her position in the Giant Pantheon shortly afterward. According to mythology, her birth occurred subsequent to Annam's acceptance of his eldest daughter and her sister, Hietea, and his subsequent willingness to have female offspring. At a certain juncture in history, Corellon led The Seldarine from Ysgard to Arborea, seizing the land from the giants. The giants were defeated by the glory-seeking elven gods in the ensuing war and were subsequently expelled before the establishment of Arvandor.   Unlike her brothers, Iallanis did not engage in combat with the invaders but remained at home, thus securing her place.   During the ascent of House Siril as a kingdom, Iallanis, as some giants claim, purportedly violated the giants' pact and, guided by her benevolent nature, aligned with the Narsilian faction. As the inaugural deity of the leadership of Siril, she facilitated the prominent position of the giant pantheon within Siril.   In When shamanic giants of Memnor developed dragon-dowsing rods to capture and subjugate metallic wyrmlings, a coalition comprising priests of Stronmaus, Hietea, and Sarenrae appropriated the formula to thwart their efforts, ultimately saving the dragons and delivering them to the Talons of Justice during the 5th century AB. Thats when Sarenrae and Iallanis became one.

Personality Characteristics


Iallanis champions beauty, mercy, and love, embracing all aspects of her father's creation and welcoming both inherently virtuous and reformed individuals, whether they be Sirilian or giant. However, despite her overall benevolence, beings standing at less than 4 ft (1.2 m) typically do not capture her attention.   Frequently, Iallanis manifests an avatar to partake in significant joyful and celebratory occasions with her followers. These events range from the marriage of a prominent figure and the dedication of a grand structure to the completion of a significant piece of art or the conclusion of a conflict. Her enduring mission is to foster unity among the various giant clans, with the ultimate aim of uniting all the Jotunbrud and spreading the influence of her cherished offspring among the mortal realms.


Contacts & Relations

Similar to Memnor, Iallanis stands as a solitary deity, a progeny of Annam without association to a larger divine assembly like her siblings Stronmaus, Hiatea, Surtur, Thrym, and Skoraeus, or Grolantor and Karontor. Although she holds a special place among her father's offspring, she often finds herself overshadowed by Hietea. Her mother remains the unnamed sky goddess who bore several of her siblings. Despite historical conflicts with the Giant gods, The Seldarine refrained from expelling her from Arborea, although they harbor little reverence for her.
The Mother of All;
The Tender One;
The Floral Giant;
Patroness of Unity;
Empress of Compassion;
Divine Classification
Intermediate Power, Aspect of Tamara
Neutral Good
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Tamara, Sarenrae
Home Plane
Subservient Deities
Beauty, forgiveness, love, mercy, cloud giants, Peace, stone giants, storm giants
Charm (Love, Lust), Community (Cooperation. Education), Good (Agathion, Friendship, Redemption), Healing, Magic (Divine), Strength (Resolve, Self-Realization), Sun (Beltane, Day, Light, Revelation)
Garland of flowers
Good Giants, Healers and Sirilians
Worshipper's Alignments

Favored Weapon
Defending improved unarmed strike (unarmed strike)
Holy Days


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