Imril Character in Theras | World Anvil


The Steward and Viceroy of Arasil Lightflower (a.k.a. The Unruly, the one who does nothing for himself)

Imril, is the Viceroy of the entire kingdom of Arasil, a title he holds since 950 AB. He openly states all the time that the kingdom has of yet to find the true royal line and has opened an academy for diplomats and paladins, claiming that their oath shouldn't hinder their ability to become leaders of the country as many of the more practical diplomats claim.   He is best known for saving the Arasilian Economy while also empowering the guilds that were already getting much power since the 10th century AB. He had allowed the dukes and the The Ironscale Conclave believe him and they have the old spirit and powers of every High Justice King and as thus, followed him in part to guide them to a future that indeed turned out better.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Though he is Arasilian born and bred and was inducted into the Order of the Platinum Lion, he left the order once he became the Viceroy. It is rumored that Imril is able to sense pain and opportunities in the lands, often suprising his advisors on the accuracy of threats and knowledge that he has the 'vision' as some calls it, often heralding him as the high priest of Thea, Astilabor and Bahamut.   It is told that Imril had the epiphany to find many plagues in their roots, through his visions, but none can confirmed it, only that he was lucky enough.
Lawful Good
Current Location
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations


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