Astilabor Character in Theras | World Anvil

Astilabor (as-TIL-uh-bor)

The goddess Astilabor is the neutral goddess of acquisitiveness and wealth. She represents draconic desire to acquire and treasure wealth and by doing so gain status, and so she was, in a way, the archetype of dragonkind. She is known to be the gift-giver of the Dragons ability to grow its own hoard.  


Astilabor's home plane is unknown, but she is reputed to have a lair hidden somewhere in the plane of Limbo that contained more wealth than that found on all the planets of the cosmos.  

Recent History

Astilabor has become the main dragon of trade and an Aspect of Avandra since Astilabor had faced the giants pantheon in a battle for Arasil's freedom from the Sirilians forces that threated Their capital city of Sil-Amas in 1 AB.   Since then, Astilabor became the main goddess of wealth and trade in Kingdom of Arasil.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Clergy, Temples and Worshippers

Astilabor exclusively admits clerics with a hint of neutrality in their alignment, emphasizing the need for purity in their pursuit of acquiring, expanding, and safeguarding hoards. These clerics refrain from entangling themselves in the conflicts of other dragons, preferring instead to reward those who amass substantial and valuable treasures. Revered by dragons of all varieties but actively worshipped by few, Astilabor also garners reverence from draconic humanoids and individuals aspiring to enrich themselves. Even dragons who merely pay homage to her often inscribe her holy symbol onto their hoards as a protective charm or pay tribute to her upon establishing new lairs.   Dragons who venerate Astilabor may pledge a portion of their gains to her in exchange for assistance in their endeavors, yet they are careful never to renege on their promises, fearing that such actions would diminish her regard for them.   In Kingdom of Arasil, the clerics are the treasurers, tax-collectors and Guilds accountants, forever enhancing the economical power of Kingdom of Arasil.   Worshipers of Astilabor held amicable relations with adherents of Moradin and Garl Glittergold, as these deities recognized the significance of material riches like coins and gems. Conversely, they harbored suspicion towards followers of gods associated with trickery and thievery, viewing them as inherently dishonest individuals.  


Astilabor's temples often boast grand architecture, meticulously safeguarded and fortified. Their opulent decorations are usually contributions from the worshipers, torn between the urge to accumulate personal hoards and the wish to pay homage to their deity. For instance, one dragon might donate intricate platinum candlesticks, while another offers luxurious cloth-of-gold wall hangings. Each item is distinctly marked with its owner's signature style.

Tenets of Faith

  • Embrace wealth and power without shame or greed.
  • Cherish the collection and safeguarding of one's hoard.
  • Condemn thievery among worshipers

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Astilabor usually manifested as a huge dragon that shimmered with all the chromatic and metallic colors of dragonkind or as a topaz greatwyrm.
The Acquisitor;
The One who Accounts all;
The One who Treasure All;
Divine Classification
Intermediate Power, Aspect of Avandra
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Avandra, Corellon Larethien
Home Plane
Subservient Deities
Acquisitiveness, Status, Wealth, Trade
Artifice (Industry, Toil), Community (Cooperation), Luck (Gambling), Protection, Rune, Scalykind (Dragon), Travel (Trade), Trickery (Deception, Espionage, Greed, Innuendo, Thievery)
A twelve-faceted gem
Dragons, Draconic humanoids, Those who seek wealth, The Guilds of Arasil, Merchants, Treasurers, Accountants, Tax-Collectors
Worshipper's Alignments

Favored Weapon
Claw (Scimitar)
Holy Days

Worshipper Relations

Astilabor's allies includes dragons, half-dragons, and other draconic creatures. Although some of those allies has celestial or fiendish lineage, all of Astilabor's allies always has a neutral component to their alignment.  


The Treasury of Kingdom of Arasil, composite of the largest clergy of Astilabor on Theras. The Arasilians took Astilabor's guidance in order to help them find the money from various adventurers, tax evaders and other scoundrels. The Treasury itself isn't very lawful by nature, the only thing that guides them, is the collection.


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