The Ironscale Conclave Organization in Theras | World Anvil

The Ironscale Conclave

This organization is made up of powerful metal dragons, each representing a different duchy within the Kingdom of Arasil. The dragons have forged an alliance with the knights, using their wisdom and ancient knowledge to guide and govern the kingdom from behind the scenes. The Council would be tasked with overseeing the laws and policies of the kingdom, as well as protecting it from external threats.   The dragons of the Council are be highly intelligent and powerful, able to wield their metallic scales and breath weapons to devastating effect. Each dragon have their own unique strengths and weaknesses, and they work together to maintain the balance of power within the kingdom. They are revered by the people in many myths as the protector and guardians of the kingdom.     Despite their fearsome reputation, the Council's existence is shrouded in secrecy, operating in the shadows to maintain their control over the kingdom. Their existence would be known only to a select few, and they would go to great lengths to keep their true nature and activities hidden from the rest of the world. They operate behind the scenes, manipulating events and guiding the kingdom's leaders toward their desired outcome.   Overall, the Council of the Iron Drakes is a powerful and mysterious organization, wielding incredible influence over a kingdom of knights divided by duchies.     The Conclave also monitors the actions of the Viceroy as no High Justice King is already found.
Founding Date
110 AB
Parent Organization
Related Species


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