Inis Aber Geographic Location in Theras | World Anvil

Inis Aber

Inis Aber is an island in the Principality of Sabersycha. Formerly a holy site for druids, it was abandoned in The Flood of 1019The Flood of 1019[/history which the druids saw as a sign for them to abandon it.


The island stands in an estuary, which is quite salty, leading to the land being alkaline, and a poor place for settling.


The island was somewhat insignificant throughout most of history, leading it to being largely uninhabited since the War of The Ashen Shore. This made it an ideal place for Peadaran Ón Aigéan Liath and his seven sons to land and start their conquest of Sabersycha.
Alternative Name(s)
Tuirlingt an Rí
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Owning Organization


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